View Full Version : Herbal supplement fears/IBS?

22-01-17, 03:13
Hi, there!
I hope everyone is having a great day! Just a warning: there is poop talk ahead!
I am 20 years old and have IBS-C and have had peptic ulcers (but do not have any now as far as I know of). I am waiting on a colonoscopy/endoscopy and have been for a long time. I have experienced extreme constipation (the worst was 23 days or so), blood in stool, mucus in stool, and lots of trapped gas. I have been told I could have lot of things. Recently I've suspected that I may have celiac disease (as a family member does) and I have cut out gluten. I have also started taking Bromelain, which is an enzyme derived from pineapples. I have done no gluten/bromelain supplements for about 5 days. I really am worried and hope I can get this colonoscopy/endoscopy soon. If anybody has experience with GI stuff like this, I would love to hear from you.

Anyway, a friend invited me to have a couple drinks tonight and I would really like to as I have not seen them in quite a while, but am worried that the alcohol combined with the bromelain could kill me! Do you guys think this is possible? Thank you so much for all your help!!

22-01-17, 07:41
Have you ever tried Metamucil? That's just psyllium powder.