View Full Version : Spider veins on breast

22-01-17, 03:27
Sorry to post again but I've been having a bad week. I noticed little purple veins on breast out of nowhere. I know veins mean more blood is flowing and I now thanks to article I posted about estrogen and spots I'm even more worried. I'm not pregnant I couldn't be so why am I having veins pop up? I know it's estrogen related and I'm terrified I really have high estrogen anyone have any advice?

22-01-17, 03:55
Many people with light skin often see their veins in their breasts. So I'm not sure they're really spider veins.

Also, if you have breast implants, they can make the veins more visible.

22-01-17, 04:30
I do see my veins since I'm pale like you said I showed my mom she said they were definitely little spider veins

22-01-17, 04:59
Well, usually a change in veins on your boobs means you're about to start your period or you're pregnant or you got implants you started birth control or something similar. It's usually hormonal like you already know, but that doesn't mean it has to be something bad.

22-01-17, 07:18
I just started period today I would say it's from that but my anxiety says it was already there

22-01-17, 13:39
Hi I've got this and have had it for years, I showed the doctor and she said it can be to do with hormonal changes but also they are more prominent in people with fair skin or people who have dry/sensitive skin which I do.

I first noticed them when I was pregnant and I have to say they definitely go through phases of being more prominent. I honestly wouldn't worry and I hate to say it but you'll probably get more as you get older.

Mention it to your GP but I think it's fairly common and doesn't usually signify anything.