View Full Version : More heart anxiety

22-01-17, 05:53
I'm having a hard time dealing with my heart fears. I'm 12 weeks pregnant and just had a drs appt where they took blood and my blood pressure. I have been to a cardiologist and gotten the al clear. But yet I still have these "feelings" in my heart and chest. I still have the skipped beats and sudden thuds that send me into panic. It's worse now that I have a life inside me. I asked the nurse and she said if there is an issue they will send me to another place to be further examined and deliver there. My heat rate isn't super face but I notice it. I just don't know how to deal with myself when my heart is being weird. I tell myself that the drs would know any issues but I don't seem to listen. Please help! I'm a nut case over this!

22-01-17, 06:32
Well, I would think with some one in your position, being 12 weeks pregnant, they're going to make damn sure you're okay. Because that's two people in one, in which they got to be right about and not make mistakes. So I would keep that in mind.

Our anxiety and panic disorders are always screwing with our minds like this, in which they cause just enough fear sometimes, to release adrenaline in our bodies. Then we get those minor to major palpitation sometimes or all the time. I go through it just about everyday, but after seeing enough doctors and being tested over it, I've gotten to the point of just accepting them for a long time now. I mean if they were wrong and the tests were wrong, then they have been wrong a long time and something should have happened to me by now. At least that's the way I look at it.

But have you been taught any breathing exercises to deal with the anxiety? And are you seeing a therapist for CBT?

22-01-17, 15:23
It doesn't feel like anxiety is causing it. But I am under a lot of stress. We will be buying a house soon and that alone is pretty stressful and we are doing in while getting ready for a baby! I knew before I got pregnant that my anxiety would be worse and I tried to prepare myself. I just need the shake the fear that my heart will suddennly stop and I think I will be fine.

23-01-17, 15:04
I get these terrible thuds all the time! I'm told their benign (by both my regular doctor and psychiatrist. My doctor said she got them ALL the time when she was pregnant. It has something to do with the extra blood in your system.