View Full Version : Failure

22-01-17, 12:01
Hi everyone last few weeks been worrying about my heart lost stone and half in weight my mother has had enough of worrying about me and my girlfriend girlfriend that I've waited all my life for is talking about giving up on me and now I personally feel that I'm having a nervous breakdown and I don't know how much longer I can cope with the thoughts I have and think it would be better to just put some clothes on and walk away and let my family enjoy there life without worrying about me

---------- Post added at 12:01 ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 ----------

Would like some advice in what or how to deal with this

22-01-17, 12:02
That was me 3 years ago Dravell72 and I am so pleased I am still here to answer your post. Purpose comes in to it here and you have already told me that you have the girlfriend that you have been waiting for all of your life and that's where you need to start. Sit down with her and properly talk. Tell her how you feel about her and then tell her that you are going to try to sort it all out. You don't want to lose her. How would you feel then? You can do this. Start by looking at your diet. Look up good fattening foods and then look at some exercise routine to build yourself up.
Walking is good, so is swimming or maybe some Tai Chi.
Your heart will benefit from both. Never underestimate the strength of your heart.
Look how many OAPs take part in Marathons.
Honestly Dravell72, you can see the results in less than 3 months, but you have to start living again and take anxiety by the horns and shove it in to oblivion. x

22-01-17, 12:12
That was me 3 years ago Dravell72 and I am so pleased I am still here to answer your post. Purpose comes in to it here and you have already told me that you have the girlfriend that you have been waiting for all of your life and that's where you need to start. Sit down with her and properly talk. Tell her how you feel about her and then tell her that you are going to try to sort it all out. You don't want to lose her. How would you feel then? You can do this. Start by looking at your diet. Look up good fattening foods and then look at some exercise routine to build yourself up.
Walking is good, so is swimming or maybe some Tai Chi.
Your heart will benefit from both. Never underestimate the strength of your heart.
Look how many OAPs take part in Marathons.
Honestly Dravell72, you can see the results in less than 3 months, but you have to start living again and take anxiety by the horns and shove it in to oblivion. x

Yup what Carnation said. And walking away wouldn't stop your family worrying or make them happier it would do the opposite - really.

22-01-17, 12:28
I just feel I'm a complete mess sitting in McDonald's crying that I'm at that point where nothing matters apart from stopping the internal worrying in my head won't stop 14 years of this I just don't think I have anymore fight left in me I just can't stop worrying about my health mainly focusing on my heart was back up a&e last night another ECG was told it was normal but the machine said that there was a signal problem and doctor said it could be a doggy sticker but I can't get it out of my head I've had 12 ecgs over the last 15 days all normal apart from last nights now I think there's something wrong and I know if they said something was really wrong I would end it but my go has never been concerned with my heart at also have I damaged it in the 2 weeks worrying so much just feel like this is the end

22-01-17, 12:56
I just feel I'm a complete mess sitting in McDonald's crying that I'm at that point where nothing matters apart from stopping the internal worrying in my head won't stop 14 years of this I just don't think I have anymore fight left in me I just can't stop worrying about my health mainly focusing on my heart was back up a&e last night another ECG was told it was normal but the machine said that there was a signal problem and doctor said it could be a doggy sticker but I can't get it out of my head I've had 12 ecgs over the last 15 days all normal apart from last nights now I think there's something wrong and I know if they said something was really wrong I would end it but my go has never been concerned with my heart at also have I damaged it in the 2 weeks worrying so much just feel like this is the end

It's your thought process that's the problem not your heart. You have had plenty of ECG's you need to stop running to ER everytime you get anxious. Your worrying so much your body has constant adrenaline running through it. Which puts young fight to flight mode and makes you feel on the edge all the time. Your body needs a cool down. Take deep breathes and relax some. If anything was wrong with your heart you wouldn't had so many clear test and they wouldn't have let you leave the hospital.

Your anxiety and stress can make a ecg off. If your that worried which it seems you are.

And I know the same feeling with family and gf. Mine says she is not supporting me this year and what she means by that is she's not telling me I'm ok and fine over stuff I don't have. Until doctor gives me a diagnoses of something other then anxiety she does not want to hear it. I don't blame her though I put her thru hell and family through hell over the past year with worrying about everything.

---------- Post added at 12:56 ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 ----------

I had the same heart worries you are having. I went thru couple months thinking they didn't tell me everything or maybe they missed something. Or why didn't they do this or that. After I got over heart worries then I moved on to ALS worries because my body is twitching like crazy from I'm
Assuming all the worries from my heart. It's a vicious cycle. And not easy to break.

22-01-17, 13:03
Just feel like I'm down a deep dark hole and soon or later its going to fill in and I'm going to not get out

22-01-17, 13:09
Just feel like I'm down a deep dark hole and soon or later its going to fill in and I'm going to not get out

Your feeling complete doom. It's your anxiety. I feel that way sometimes too. I feel like nothing is going right and everything is going wrong and falling apart. Friends and family don't truly understand I have learned that. No matter what you tell them they don't get it. They still think normal while we think the worst everytime.

22-01-17, 13:45
Are you on any meds and/or getting any kind of therapy?

22-01-17, 13:55
I'm on sertraline and diazapan I was on the sertraline for four years up until last October where I went on holiday and forgot them so I didn't take any that 10 days. Holiday and felt fine when I got back I still felt OK saw my gp at thr beginning month told me to start taking them so went straight on to 150mg again which I think that's what's started all this so they made me go down to 50 mg which I've been on for bout 8 days

22-01-17, 14:03
Sorry you are feeling this way Dravell
I've not got much advice to offer but I'm currently feeling like I'm in a deep, dark hole so can empathise with how you're feeling right now.

22-01-17, 14:52
The end would be better than the future

---------- Post added at 14:52 ---------- Previous post was at 14:44 ----------

Feeling like the end would be better than the future

22-01-17, 17:39
Walking is good, so is swimming or maybe some Tai Chi.

Just make the walks Round trip :shades: