View Full Version : I think there's something wrong with my immune system.

22-01-17, 15:36
Hi guys, I haven't been on in a while, I hope everyone is well :)

So, since about December, I have gotten sick 5 times. Here's the timeline and what the symptoms were:

-December 21st-December 23rd: Achey, sore joints, sore throat, itchy (dry skin?) for about a day, then turned into a cough and runny nose and sore throat stuck around a little while. No fever.

-December 31st-January 3rd: I had a fair bit of wine New Year's Eve and the next day felt crummy with a bad headache which at first I attributed to the wine. But then with it came chills, nausea, bloating, muscle/joint aches, and a sore throat for a couple days after.

January 13th-15th: Mild, but muscle aches, a cough, and headache.

January 20th-present: I have noticed a tickle in my throat throughout the week which yesterday developed into a full blown sore throat with headache, pretty gnarly joint pains, cough, stuffed nose, and weirdest of all, strong pain behind my eyes when I look up. I also had a very very very slight fever with this bout, being 99.4 at its highest.

I have no idea what's going on but being sick pretty much every weekend is not cool at all, especially when I'm trying to train for a half marathon. I eat very healthy and exercise a lot. I get adequate sleep and hydrate regularly.

I'm just really scared I have some sort of immune problem. Any thoughts?

22-01-17, 16:28
I'm exactly the same. Had colds and a cough since Christmas. My eye has also become a bit scaly and swollen from what I think is the weeks of constant congestion. It seems lots of us have had the winter lurgy (not sure if you're in the UK), but apparently it can last 3-4 weeks if not longer. Total annoyance!

22-01-17, 16:31
I'm in the US but the weather where I live has been totally bizarre this year. If it is just the season, fine, I can deal with it; I just want to know that my immune system isn't suffering some deficiency.