View Full Version : FEELING DOWN

22-10-04, 15:48
hi guys i could do with a bit of support please
found out today my dog has cancer - it has knocked me for six i cant seem to stop crying and feel really low - i dont know what to do or where to turn - the tightness in my neck is back and im worried im going to panic - i know its a lot to ask but please can anyone suggest anything? im on my own this weekend as bill has to go away and im finding it hard to cope i lost my mom dad and grandad to cancer i cant go through it again

22-10-04, 16:07
Hi Dave,

I'm :( sad to hear what you are going through
right now. Your anxiety level's are bound to be
hight right now, this does not meen you will have
a PA.
Can you invite a friend round to stay so you can
have someone to talk to.


22-10-04, 16:25
Hi Dave!

Youve thrown enough hugs around the forum so now its your turn!


Sorry youre having a rough time of it. Our pets often mean the world to us and you have to have them to understand. Ive also lost quite a few members of my family to cancer over the past 18 months to the point that Im now classed as "high risk". Theres no easy way of dealing with it apart from acceptance. It hurts like hell but unfortunately there is no magic wand. My dad is next for me. He has Gastro intestinal sarcoma of the connective tissues and he hasnt long left.
My way of dealing with it is that as long as my loved one is alive, I refuse to grieve. There is plenty of time for that later. Just try (easier said than done!!) to enjoy what time you have left and remember the positive things.
Some people often under-estimate the effects pets can have on us. If I take on a pet, it immediately becomes part of my family so loss matters.
I lost a very special pet a while back and felt much like you feel now. I planted a tree. Simple but effective and it made a difference to me.
Just go with how you feel and talk when you need to.

Sorry if Ive not been much help but I can only give an opinion based on my experiences.

I hope you feel better and stronger soon!

Love and thoughts...Minny...xxxx

I have NOT failed!! Ive succeeded in finding 1000 solutions that dont work! :o)

22-10-04, 16:32
hi Dave,

I'm SO sorry to hear about your dog. is there anything they can do for him?

Why don't you invite a friend around for the weekend? You would feel better if you had someone to talk to, huh?

Sarah :D

22-10-04, 17:59
Hiya Dave

So sorry to hear the sad news - I can appreciate how you feel as my 'oldie' Holly is nearly 13 and she has some pretty nasty health problems including ulcerative colitis and a damaged liver. I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better but I know I'd be exactly the same as you in your situation.

Have you had a chat with the vet about your dog's prognosis? Although cancer is such a horrible word it doesn't necessarily have to mean the end and even if there is no cure, most often you will be able to make sure he/she can live for some time quite comfortably and without suffering. I think quality of life is the main issue here and only you can decide when the time is right to let your dog go with grace and dignity.

I know this is really hard, but you have try and be positive and think of the wonderful life you've given your dog and remember all the great times you have had together.

Make sure that Bill has his mobile switched on at all hours as I'm sure he will appreciate that you're going to need to talk. This is a really horrid thing and I wish that I could take it away from you, but please accept that what you are feeling is quite normal and that its OK to be upset. Better to let it out than bottle it up ....

Thinking of you hun, love Jo xxx

22-10-04, 19:39
thanks guys when i got in this afternoon i just went to pieces - i phoned a friend whos response was its only a dog so that didnt help im calmer now and im trying to remain positive ive got the headache from hell and feel realy tired so i think its an early night tonight me spooky and lots of hugs - thanks again
xx david

22-10-04, 19:44
Hi David

I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. I'm sure any of us pet owners can understand how that would make you feel.

BIG HUG for you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

22-10-04, 20:24
Hiya David

Only a none pet owner could say such things! Holly and Jazz ARE my family and I love them to bits. If you're anything like me, you'll spoil Spooky rotten from now on, which I'm sure will be much appreciated!

Get and good nights sleep and you'll be more focussed in the morning. Love and hugs to you and spook.

Jo xxx

22-10-04, 20:57

So sorry about your dog... I understand how you feel, I really do. I had a dog for 17 years, who went thru a LOT with me - thru times when she was practically the only one who stuck by me. She got a lump on her paw, so I took her to the vet, who said she had the big "C". Like you, I was devastated... Cried like a baby. A few days later, a friend encouraged me to take her for a second opinion to an old country vet who was old - fashioned but cheap (I was pretty much broke at that time). Well, the old guy poked and prodded on her, and diagnosed her lump as a cyst, drained it - and, bottom line, good old Penny was around for a few more years!

And, just last year, when I was going thru my series of horrible panic attacks, the vet diagnosed my current four legged sweetheart (Lady), with heartworms, and told me she wouldn't make it thru the summer...

Well, she is laying here beside me, demanding that I quit typing and fetch her a treat!!! Shows what they know!

I know our pets don't live forever - none of us do - but, with love, caring and the occasional special treat, they can surprise us with their inner strengh and will to live. That's one of the nice things about being a dumb animal, I guess....

They don't understand (nor particuarly care) when someone tells them they are terminally ill or crazy or whatever. They just go along happily on their way. When Lady was given her bad diagnosis, my wife told me, as I sat on the floor weeping hugging and her (Lady, not my wife...), "Well, we just need to love her and give her a reason to want to stay around..." Which is what we did.

And, she's still here.

I don't know if this made sense, but I hope you understand that I understand...

Hang in there!


It is better to be a free bird than a captive king...

Laura xx
22-10-04, 22:52
Hi Dave,

I really sympathise with you. My mum had our pet dog put to sleep earlier this year and I really had to be there for her a lot, she was so upset. And then unexpectedly and suddenly my mum died two weeks later.

I know it sounds silly but our dog was 18 and I felt like I'd lost a chunk of my childhood when I lost the dog. I wished I could have sat down with "Carla" (the dog) and spoke to her about my mum - she would have known how I felt, but she was gone also.

Sorry, on a more cheerful note i've now got my mums cat and she's great. She's scratched my leather sofa and sh***t in me tumble dryer - what's her next trick? I dread to think


Laura x x

22-10-04, 23:17
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

23-10-04, 03:11

One of my cousins sent me that story, right after my dog Penny passed after 17+ years...

It was a long time (over a year) before i could read it all of the way thru... It is a beautiful story, and still chokes me up - probably, because in my own heart, I honestly believe that that's the way it really happens.

What a wonderful thought...

g'night, all:)

Love, Rick

It is better to be a free bird than a captive king...

23-10-04, 13:53
Hi Dave,

You have all my sympathy here, you really do. My dog (Becky) has just turned 12 and she means the world to me. In fact i am not sure how I would have got through the last year without her. How old is your dog?

Let us know how she is doing.

Hope you feel a little better today as well.

Take care

Sue xx

23-10-04, 14:48
Hi Meg

That really is a lovely story. My brother has just lost his cat after a 2 week battle with illness. His cat was only 8 and my brother and the vet did everything they could to save him. He is feeling really upset at the moment.

I'm going to send that story to him. It might give him some comfort.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

23-10-04, 15:09
WOW guys im overwhelmed by your kindness and what a beautifill story just to update you spooky (my boy) is ten he has had problems . we got him as a pup from birmingham dogs home - they told us not to expect him to have a long life as he had problems with his heart but hey ten years on he has survived kennel cough (from the dogs home) being knocked down by a car after he chased a squirel out of the park and a operation to remove a chicken bone from his throat ( a little gift from a loving neighbour) i know he is made of tough stuff but im not sure he has the strength left to fight this. he has an appointment at the vets this monday when they will confirm whether treatment will enhance or lesson his life left with us. i have been praying to anyone that will listen up stairs. thanks again xx
love david

23-10-04, 15:13
Oh Meg that story is so lovely, I'm crying buckets from reading it!

Love Jo xx

26-10-04, 21:27
Hiya Dave

How did the vet's appointment go?

Love Jo xx

27-10-04, 01:27
Awwww Dave i am soooooo sorry, my dog isnt right at the moment either she was admitted to the vets today had xrays and they found abnormality in her that they think could possibly be a tumor on her shoulder area, they are sending xrays to a specialist so ive got to wait until monday for the results. So im worried too about our dog Lucy bless her shes only 5 months old, i know exactly how upset you must be feeling, our pets are like one of the family like our kids eh, we get attached so quickly and love them so much.

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

27-10-04, 01:29
Love and support to you Dave you know where i am if you want to chat take care xxxxxxx

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

06-11-04, 20:37
thank you guys for your words and support
spooky had to be put to sleep earlier this week - he took a turn for the worse last weekend but we hoped he would make recover from it sadly he became unable to walk and was passing blood - after a painfull afternoon of talking we decided the kindest thing for spooky was to let him go.
xx david

06-11-04, 21:02

im so sorry to hear about ur dog, im sure he was a really loveable dog. i know how it feels to loose a pet

how r u feeling at the moment

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

06-11-04, 21:09

I am so saddened to hear about the passing of your special friend...

All of us animal lovers truly feel for you, as many of us here have also had to make that extrordinarily painful but correct decision to let them go.

Please know that I've been thinking about you and your situation, and share your grief.

Take care, my friend...


It is better to be a free bird than a captive king...

06-11-04, 23:41
Dear David,

I am so sorry to hear about Spooky. You did the kindest thing even if its is so hard to make the decison.

You take care of yourself


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

07-11-04, 02:25
Hi David

Sorry missed this post.

Really sorry about what has happened and can only imagine how hard it must be for you.

Couldnt have been easy thinking Spooky would get through it, that will have probably have made it ten times harder for you.

As for a mate saying it is only a dog, have been there and i dont think they realise that they become a part of the family.

Love Sal xxxxx

07-11-04, 06:59
Aw Dave, i'm so sorry for you hun.

Being an animal lover I really feel for you.

Take Care Dave

Tara x

07-11-04, 15:19
Hi Dave, am so sorry, lots of love and take care jean xxxxxxx

07-11-04, 15:58
Hi Dave

Sorry to hear about Spooky. I know how hard it is to make the decision but you did the kindest thing for him.

I'm thinking of you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

07-11-04, 18:22
Hi Dave

:(Sad to hear about the loss of spooky.

My thoughts are with you.


07-11-04, 18:28
hi dave

how r u feelin at the mo

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

07-11-04, 19:49

So sorry to here the news. Bet you feel really down about it - I know I would :(

You did the right thing though - we have to be responsible when it comes to our pets and at least he isn't in any pain now.

Big hug to you mate

