View Full Version : Job bringing back feelings of anxiety/panic attack

22-01-17, 19:05
I'm under a lot of pressure at my new job and recently have been having to do a lot all at once.

On top of that I have to make sure I've got the paperwork side done too.

Tonight I've been feeling a bit panicky and felt like a panic attack, I've not had these for years.

What do I do?

23-01-17, 14:01
Hi, it's always hard and stressful starting a new job and the stress is probably causing the symptoms of panic to reoccur.

Try not to over panic about how your feeling and accept that stress has brought this on and you will be ok. It's easy to become afraid of the physical symptoms of panic but they won't hurt you.

Can you make anytime to relax? Have a warm bath, take a walk to help burn the adrenaline off, do a guided meditation. How are you sleeping? getting more sleep will help.

Take each day as it comes, try not to worry about the future and be mindful of what your doing, it's easy to get suck with anxious thoughts which will trigger more panic, I always repeat positive words to myself.

Hoefully things will settle once youve settled in your new job, I think it's a big adjustment to anyone and more so if you have anxiety.

I hope you feel better soon


23-01-17, 15:56
Is this new position exciting/does it have benefits that outweigh the stressful side? If not, perhaps discuss with management if a lessening of the load can be arranged.
But if it IS something you want to do, hopefully in time your body will adjust to the new pace and expectations.
New things can often cause feelings of anxiety or worry because we aren't confident yet.

Be patient with yourself. Practice mindful breathing if you feel overwhelmed. Give yourself a specific time to think about work or the tasks at hand. Write it down if you have to. Then designate a "turn-off" time if you can where as toothless said, you can take a bath or so something completely "other than" what triggers the anxious feelings or thoughts.

I hope it works itself out of your system soon