View Full Version : Abdominal tenderness

22-01-17, 20:56
This started Thursday when I got up I notice I had a very slight cramping in my lower abdomen and when I pressed on it, in the middle but slightly more to the right it hurt slightly and I felt pressure. I panicking thinking it was an appendicitis but I went for a pee and after that it seemed to go, but it came back. Now any time I press in to my abdomen there I get this weird pressure and pain that I can also feel in my back and down my leg a bit. It isn't particularly painful at the moment but it is worrying me. I can also feel it when moving around some times and when using the bathroom. It seems to hurt more when I need to pee but Im not sure if that is just my imagination. I not using the toilet more frequently and it doesn't burn so I don't see how this could be an infection. I'm really worried it's a tumour, I asked my mum and she said it's just a normal everyday pain but I can't shake the feeling it's bad. I have had this sort of pain before but I never noticed it as much in the past and it only lasted a day, didn't seem almost as noticeable.

23-01-17, 01:37
Im aging (47) I get random aches and pains and like yourself I automatically attribute it to something sinister or something growing out of control, about the time I am ready to write goodbye letters to my children a new pain comes and the old one fades. Im dying of something new a couple times a week...ironically what makes me feel slightly better is the next one coming on.

Its a process but most days my meds can cover it. Starting CBT soon and hope thats the 1-2 punch that makes me the old me again.

Be well