View Full Version : Another cold! Not even a week after the first one!

23-01-17, 03:22
So, around new years I developed a pretty serious flu-like illness. It took about 2 weeks to go away completely. Mostly just nausea, lots of phlegm and a sore throat. Now it seems I'm getting something similar again. My throat hurts pretty bad and I feel very lethargic. Why am I getting sick so often? Should I worry?

23-01-17, 03:29
I've been phlegmy myself for weeks and sneezing a lot!
Personally I believe it's all done to this cold weather during this time lots of people get bad flus and colds which can put us through hell so I'm sure you'll be fine, if you think it's getting worse then see your doctor it's always best to see a professional to get a diagnosis and reassurance!

23-01-17, 11:13
I know 3 other people who have found their cold go & return. And my mum has had a few like that before too.

Maybe it's the strain going around?

Mental health issues can impact on the immune system a bit, stress is well known for it, so try to eat healthy. But until you see real patterns, I wouldn't think about it.