View Full Version : Gasoline in hair?

23-01-17, 06:28
I got into a taxi today and it reeked of gas, to the extent where I got right back out. I'm concerned that my hair came in contact with gas spilled on the seat, so even though I've taken a shower, I'm worried that gas keeps coming into contact with clothes, furniture, etc., as I move around my apartment. Does anyone have experience with this?

23-01-17, 08:48
Why would there be gas spilt on the seat?

There isn't gas going everywhere, and even if a tiny amount did, it wouldn't be a problem.

Probably all sorts of stuff flying around.

23-01-17, 10:30
Gasoline is volatile which means it evaporates very quickly when exposed to air, if you did get it on your hair/skin or clothes its very unlikely that it is still contaminating your home by now.
The smell might linger for a few hours but thats about it, almost all countrys no longer use leaded fuel anymore so there is no health risk with it coming in contact with your skin.

I work with cars and get covered in fuel on a regular basis, i've seen some guys clean their hands with a rag covered in gasoline to get the grease and oil off so they could have lunch lol.

23-01-17, 10:56
I hope these guys wash their hands before eating their sandwiches! If they don't then it helps put any anxieties into perspective!

23-01-17, 12:45
I hope these guys wash their hands before eating their sandwiches! If they don't then it helps put any anxieties into perspective!

Yeah they do, but it goes to show you how little some people care about these things.