View Full Version : Not sure what I want from seeing my dr about anxiety

23-01-17, 13:22
So I've been feeling like my anxiety has been getting worse for the past few weeks and this morning I woke up and knew I wouldn't be able to go to work. I made an appointment with my GP, just because it seemed sensible but the appointment is in a couple of hours and it sounds silly but I'm not really sure what I'm hoping to get out of it. They know I have anxiety, I've been referred to the local talking therapy service and I'm worried that I'll go in and say I'm feeling worse and they'll sort of say, well what do you want me to do about it - not necessarily in a bad way but in a genuine way, asking what I want from it. And I'm really not sure.

23-01-17, 13:45
Presumably you want it to get better?

23-01-17, 13:48
I know that this is what my GP would ask me and it's a bit of a cop out because they wouldn't ask this if you went in with a physical problem. I suppose all you can do is explain that things are getting worse and see whether the GP can speed up your referral? Your GP could be a lot better than mine so could well be helpful and clued-up re local provision. I hope you feel that you have made progress and feel better for going.

23-01-17, 16:13

It of course depends on your personal situation and what you believe is best for you, but perhaps he can offer you something to act as a bridge until you're able to access a spot in therapy.

Or as Pulisa said, maybe there is a way to get you on another wait list or to speed up a refferal somehow.

My GP has sometimes said to me that I can come speak to him if I am in rough shape. I DO have access to a therapist (gratefully), but if I am in between appointments or I am needing perspective or even just needing someone professional to know how I am feeling, he is open to that.
I'm not sure if that's something your GP would be willing to offer while you're waiting.

Hope your spot comes up soon.

Keep checking in here for support to get through your days.
