View Full Version : A poem I wrote.

23-01-17, 13:56
Hi folks,
This is my first post and hopefully more will follow.

It is a poem in which I wrote last night. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.


I live in Fear everyday
Fear of failure
Fear of disappointment
And Fear of disappointing

It hurts, it's pain
The thought of hurting
The thought of Failing
The thought of disappointing

I do smile often
I get butterflies often
My heart flutters often
I live happy.

And that's because of you.

23-01-17, 17:47
I lke that!
I feel like that and also feel like that for my partner .. goood writing

Clydesdale Epona
23-01-17, 20:28
Loved it! x
i haven't wrote one for a long time i ought to pick up doing it again :)