View Full Version : Pancreatic cancer worries

23-01-17, 22:20
Hi I'm new here and just looking for some advice really. I have suffered with health anxiety for a few years now. At times it has literally taken over my life. For the last couple of months I've stated to develop nearly all of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer. I have been to a and e three times and back and fourth from my doctors surgery numerous times. I honestly believe that they think any problem I have is in my head and don't take me seriously. I am 32 with 2 young children who are my absolute world and I'm so petrified about this :(

Gary A
23-01-17, 22:29
Hi I'm new here and just looking for some advice really. I have suffered with health anxiety for a few years now. At times it has literally taken over my life. For the last couple of months I've stated to develop nearly all of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer. I have been to a and e three times and back and fourth from my doctors surgery numerous times. I honestly believe that they think any problem I have is in my head and don't take me seriously. I am 32 with 2 young children who are my absolute world and I'm so petrified about this :(

This post is like a HA parody.

Fear of devastating illness - Check.

Convinced all symptoms of said illness are present - Check.

Convinced doctors aren't taking you seriously - Check.

Repeated doctor and A&E visits - Check.

Disbelief that your symptoms aren't mental - Check.

I don't know your symptoms, I don't know how long you've had them etc, but what I am absolutely certain of is that you don't have pancreatic cancer and this is just another episode of HA doing it's dance.

24-01-17, 13:32
Thank you so much for replying. Usually when I have bad episodes of health anxiety I have managed to snap out of it by now but this time is different. I'm in genuine pain that isn't going away. I'm praying you are right but at the moment I'm finding it hard to see any hope :(

24-01-17, 14:03
Please develop: what are these symptoms?

24-01-17, 14:15
Stomach tenderness, lower back pain and pain between shoulder blades, dark urine, pale stools, constant gurgling in stomach even after eating, extreme fatigue. Also my gp noted when I first went with this issue that my eyes were "slightly jaundiced" although so far this hasn't got worse. I have also lost about a stone in weight over the 2 months since symptoms started.

---------- Post added at 14:15 ---------- Previous post was at 14:10 ----------

Also forgot to say I have been constantly bloated.

24-01-17, 14:25
Stomach tenderness, lower back pain and pain between shoulder blades, dark urine, pale stools, constant gurgling in stomach even after eating, extreme fatigue. Also my gp noted when I first went with this issue that my eyes were "slightly jaundiced" although so far this hasn't got worse. I have also lost about a stone in weight over the 2 months since symptoms started.

Let's see, the only objective symptom would be that jaundice, pale stools and dark urine. See, dark urine can come from bad hydratation and pâle stools from too rapid bowel movement. Hydrate fully and check on your urine again. The stools: abnormal color should be clayish or ash like/white. Yellow or greenish don't count as abnormal but refer to rapid transit or malabsorbtion syndrom. Plus, with high bilirubin levels you could be itching badly - is this the case? Now for pain, check out if bending forward alievate some of the pain (this is a classic with pancreatic issues). Abdomina pain has zillion reasons to be there. Weight loss can be stress or poor diet. Gurgling after lunch is not related to pancreatic cancer.
If too worried head to gastroenterology dept in a hospital and ask for a full check up (internal ultrasound, CT scan with contrast, blood work Asat alat and pancreatic enzymes and amylase). Good luck.

24-01-17, 14:32
The pain is made better by leaning forward. I have itching pretty bad, especially my arms and hands, however I have had full blood work done and other than raised white cell count they were all normal. They even did a pancreas blood test which was also came back within normal range but my understanding is that this can be the case with PC.

24-01-17, 15:22
Hum please answer two questions.
A) at time your got tested for blood did you have these ´jaundice' stuff (itching' black urine, yellowish eyes and pale poo)
B) did the results of your b work include bilirubin markers? And if yes were they over the top?

24-01-17, 15:25
I had the dark urine and my gp had noticed the slight yellow in my eyes. Apparently my bilirubin was normal.

24-01-17, 15:45
Then I don t see how this dark urine and pale poo could be even remotely related to a pancreatic problem. It is NOT possible to be jaundice with normal bilirubin levels.
But then again I am no physician and nobody here is apt to provide you with a diagnosis. If you doubt the conclusions of your former GP go ahed and seek another appointment with some other pratician. I would highly recommand your hop directly for a gastroenterologist as to quest for the guy in charge with belly stuff.

24-01-17, 16:11
If you doubt the conclusions of your former GP go ahed and seek another appointment with some other pratician. I would highly recommand your hop directly for a gastroenterologist as to quest for the guy in charge with belly stuff.


I respectfully disagree with seeking further reassurance with medical professionals just because of doubt. I've seen a few posts where you've recommended that and that just feeds the beast IMO. The OP has been to several doctors and had several tests. And when will the cycle end? What if the OP gets another "all clear" and doubts that? That's happened here more times than I can count. There was one member who believed he had lymphoma for over 5 years and went so far as to have an invasive biopsy to remove shotty nodes (from poking and prodding) and that was negative. He STILL didn't believe it.

Now I'm not saying something physical is not going on here. I am implying it's not the sinister thing that the OP believes it is. It could be a number of benign yet very real and uncomfortable ailments associated with anxiety like IBS. Should things like that be investigated? Sure, and there are things one can do like take note of their eating habits and diet, make sure to stay hydrated and such that can improve symptoms but running to the doctor and seeking 2nd opinions after several have already been given just keeps the individual in an anxiety cycle.

I'm not a doctor nor a mental health professional. Just someone who has seen this cycle ad nauseum over the last several years.

Positive thoughts

Positive thoughts

24-01-17, 16:15
Let's see, the only objective symptom would be that jaundice, pale stools and dark urine. See, dark urine can come from bad hydratation and pâle stools from too rapid bowel movement. Hydrate fully and check on your urine again. The stools: abnormal color should be clayish or ash like/white. Yellow or greenish don't count as abnormal but refer to rapid transit or malabsorbtion syndrom. Plus, with high bilirubin levels you could be itching badly - is this the case? Now for pain, check out if bending forward alievate some of the pain (this is a classic with pancreatic issues). Abdomina pain has zillion reasons to be there. Weight loss can be stress or poor diet. Gurgling after lunch is not related to pancreatic cancer.
If too worried head to gastroenterology dept in a hospital and ask for a full check up (internal ultrasound, CT scan with contrast, blood work Asat alat and pancreatic enzymes and amylase). Good luck.
Just a fyi but eating/drinking things with blue or purple food colouring can cause green stools.

24-01-17, 16:21
Dear fish. I think that you re right as theory goes. Runing doctors is just smashing one more dollar into the jukebox. But I want all guarantees regarding the health issue at hand to be fulfilled. If the symptoms persist and there s room for doubt, maybe it is reasonable to seek at least a second opinion. I'd say two opinions are fine, three is entering the madness. Indeed I feel there's a line between two medical opinions and more and that line separates responsability from neurosis in my book.

---------- Post added at 17:21 ---------- Previous post was at 17:20 ----------

Just a fyi but eating/drinking things with blue or purple food colouring can cause green stools.

Green stools be it because of food dye or rapid transit is never a pathologic feature anyway.

24-01-17, 17:18
Dear fish. I think that you re right as theory goes. Runing doctors is just smashing one more dollar into the jukebox. But I want all guarantees regarding the health issue at hand to be fulfilled. If the symptoms persist and there s room for doubt, maybe it is reasonable to seek at least a second opinion. I'd say two opinions are fine, three is entering the madness. Indeed I feel there's a line between two medical opinions and more and that line separates responsability from neurosis in my book.

I agree... going back to the original post...

I have been to a and e three times and back and fourth from my doctors surgery numerous times.

I consider this crossing the line. Yes, I think a gastro based on the symptoms may be in order but more than that?

Positive thoughts

24-01-17, 17:29
I have always feared that because of my health anxiety, one day there would be a real issue that gets ignored. I really do feel this time to be different and feel like I'm going crazy trying to get someone to listen :(

---------- Post added at 17:26 ---------- Previous post was at 17:23 ----------

I was going to a and e because I was so scared and on 2 occasions the didn't even examine me before sending me on my way.

---------- Post added at 17:29 ---------- Previous post was at 17:26 ----------

Also I have had the abdominal and back discomfort everyday for the last couple of months. Surely if it was ibs or something like that it wouldn't be persistent.

24-01-17, 17:54
I honestly believe that they think any problem I have is in my head and don't take me seriously.(

I struggle with this as well, but if we are honest with ourselves, it should color their perception, its diagnostically relevant.

Its frustrating because we feel like we are being brushed off but at least for me, in most cases our issues arent medical.

24-01-17, 18:06
Since we ruled out jaundice (you had your bilirubin markers at standard level during the episode of dark urine, pale poo, 'yellow eyes' and itchy hands). The real sole symptom that remains is your abdominal pain/discomfort and the fact that leaning forward would somehow relieve the pain. This would be worth some medical attention, but you have to hit a decision because you'll not find full peace upon discussing your symptoms with us.
Make a move, either you trust your formers physicians and their conclusions and you dismiss your belly pain as benign and functionnal or you can't live with the dread, you're overhelmed by it and you seek a LAST medical opinion, but this time under the watch of a specialist (for your problem they're called gastroenterologists:))

Stay strong.

24-01-17, 18:35
But this is the trouble. I need my gp to refer me. I have to have full blood count repeated tomorrow because of my elevated white cell count so will see if anyou change.

24-01-17, 18:42
Oh right, this must be the rule in the UK. In France you're free to run an appointment with a specialist and bypass your GP for that matter. It will just add up a little on the money side but it's fair enough to do it.

Keep us posted as to your bw results and try to relax some.

24-01-17, 18:50
Thank you I will do.

25-01-17, 15:59
Really not having a good day today. Back pain is really bad and I'm struggling to think that this could be something like ibs (or anything not serious) when the symptoms are constant :(

31-01-17, 21:30
Hi ChrissyT - I just wanted to say that I feel your pain. I share your PC fear, my dad passed away from it about 6 years ago. I am 34 with 2 small kids so I get it. I have always had HA but the dad thing just amplified it by 100x. I have been having issues with gurgling stomach, gas, and sometimes pasty stool (tmi i know) of course it freaks me out. It's not all the time but i am hyper focused on it now so anything sound and I am done. I don't even look in the toilet anymore it was becoming such an obsession. I am going to try an elimination FODMAP diet to see if that help. Could yours possibly be a food intolerance or something like that. I know it doesn't make it better but just wanted to know you aren't alone in your worries.

31-01-17, 22:42
Thank you both so much for your replies. Lblove I'm so sorry about your dad. I'm just counting down the days until my gastro appointment which is a week today. This evening the pain is all right sided, lower back and pelvic pain and the gurgling noises are pretty extreme! I have am also starting cbt soon as I've decided that whatever the outcome of the gastro appointment, I need help for my anxiety xx

---------- Post added at 22:42 ---------- Previous post was at 22:39 ----------

Kate10 celiac has been ruled out but I'm still holding out hope on ibs made worse by anxiety. It's just that this all started over 2 months ago and I have the pain everyday xx

31-01-17, 22:59
Does the pain subside with painkillers?

31-01-17, 23:09
In all honesty the pain isn't really bad, it's more constantly uncomfortable so I haven't really taken painkillers. I've had to take some tonight which seem to have helped the pelvic pain but the upper abdo uncomfortableness is still there xx

01-02-17, 05:44
Could just be a nuisancey gallstone?

01-02-17, 09:22
Wow some of the responses on this thread most have really helped with your anxiety...not.

22-02-17, 22:34
I sympathize with the OP. I'm 29 yo M.

I had what a blood test showed was an episode of food poisoning and then I had tons of gas and on and off abdominal pain afterwards for a month. My blood test showed bilirubin yo-yoing up and down at high levels - even as high as 3.3.

After consulting Dr. Google, I became CONVINCED I had PC.

1. My hands and body would itch after I ate anything resembling sugar (because I had internalized that quick onset of diabetes is an early symptom).
2. My right lower abdomen was in pain every day. But not severe pain like you read from real stories. Just a minor discomfort here and there.
3. I had tons of gas - burping and flatulence - especially after meals.
4. About four weeks into it I had my first episode of floating stool - which caused me to have a panic attack since all my research showed that was an early symptom. Mind you I have three BMs in your typical day and one happened to float.
5. I struggled to put on weight. Mind you I'm also an ectomorph, burn almost 2k a day just by sitting due to my fast metabolism and constant anxiety and worry probably didn't bode well for converting food into muscle.

I had an abdominal ultrasound finally after weeks of torture. They found nothing.

The torture continued because I believed that they - and this is what I believed from random Googleing - that they missed a cancer deep in my system.

I had another blood test during this time - a fasting one in the morning. Every single thing on the test was normal except for elevated bilirubin.

Still, I freaked out and asked for an MRI.

And here I am. HA is serious, get yourself checked out but given your age, family history, lifestyle and just generally stats that exist, you are probably OK. You need to relax, pursue CBT, yoga, and if needed, go on meds.

That's my advice as a fellow HA sufferer.