View Full Version : It's been a while... mole issue

23-01-17, 23:56
It's been a while since I posted here. I have had a lot going on and my health anxiety managed to take a back seat. However, one week ago I noticed a mole on my back had bled. I've had moles removed in the past and they have always worried me. So, you can imagine the absolute mess I was when I saw the bleeding mole. I had been wearing a top with a zip up the back and I may have caught the mole on that and not noticed.. I was out and drunk the night before. I know that is a rational explanation but I was so worried. I went to the doctor the next day, who said it didn't look suspicious and looked like I had caught it. He did agree to remove it and send it for biopsy to be safe. I feel sick. I know from all my obsessive googling over the years that a bleeding mole is a bad sign. I have to wait one more week for removal of the mole and who knows how long for the results. I've tried searching for stories where bleeding moles were nothing but there's hardly anything out there. It stopped bleeding straight away and turned into a scab.
The scab has since come away from the mole and it hasn't bled again. I'm trying to reassure myself but since last week I have a had a sore throats and swollen lymph gland in my neck. Obviously I've linked this with the mole now and I'm thinking the worst. I know I could just have a throat infection. Has anyone got any experiences with moles like this?
I really need some help to get through the next week or so. I'm getting my lymph gland checked tomorrow and hopefully I'll get antibiotics for an infection but I can't get out of my head that it's linked to the 'bad' mole.
I feel ridiculous, I've been 'normal' about my health for a while now and then the bleeding mole has dragged me right back down. I keep seeing articles/Facebook things about cancer etc and it's giving me that familiar old sensation of dread and panic. Anyone have any words to calm me down until I can get my biopsy and results?? Thanks

24-01-17, 00:13
I know it's hard when you're dealing with something you can see, moles used to be a huge obsession of mine, they kind of still are I guess. The important thing is that you went to your doctor and it's being removed. Moles are funny things, people have ones that flake, crust, bleed, and change for no other reason at all other than it just happening. I know plenty of people through the years who have had mole changes and have had it turn out to be absolutely nothing. Try to stay positive, it's going to be okay.

24-01-17, 11:19
A bleeding mole is not that bad. It's a quite comon thing actually. Bad moles do put the ABCDE chart to the question or the "ugly duckling" chart, before they do so with the 'bleeding' feature.

Get it removed and microscoped from nose to tail. You'll be fine.