View Full Version : Looking for reassurance

24-01-17, 13:12
Hello everyone :)

So last month I had a terrible case of what I think was bronchitis? Coughing, phelm, runny nose, all that good stuff. It really wiped me out and my chest has still occasionally been a bit rattle-y when I take a deep breath (you know that feeling when you want to cough something up?)

Well, it was playing on my mind A LOT and I had a couple instances where my chest felt tight and I felt sick (though thinking back these may have been panic attacks, or at least caused by heightened anixiety)

So I decided to go to the doc this morning, just for them to make sure my chest was clear. My usual doctor was off today so I saw a young locum. Lovely lady.

Well, I said about this rattle I sometimes get and she asks me what noise it makes... err... no noise. It's not a wheeze, just the feeling that there is something that needs to come up. So I say its not a sound but more of a vibration. So she asks 'is it like a flutter?' so I said sure.

Long story short she's asking my family heart history and booked me in for an ecg next week. I have major anxieties about my heart and this has really freaked me out.

Please tell me that this is just a young locum who is trying to cover herself by having me take this test (and my agreeing to what was probably the wrong wording. It's not a flutter either. It's a rattle... in my chest... like when you need to cough something up)

Already had one panic attack over it :(

24-01-17, 13:21
Well... that's on you. Instead of trying to describe excess mucous, you described heart palps and such. Of course she's going to investigate. That's her job. IMO, you have the remnants of a chest infection not heart issues. You could always call and cancel.

Positive thoughts

24-01-17, 13:32
I realise now that agreeing to 'fluttering' was the wrong choice but I didn't know how else to describe a rattle other than a rattle. She was a lovely lady and I've nothing against her.

Heart problems are a huge worry for me (when I was 12 my dad had a heart attack) so the doc diving straight into heart territory scared the life out of me. Never had an ECG before though so hopefully have that and having it come back clear (which I'm sure it would) will help end some of these anxieties.

But thank you, it sounds like the end of a chest infection for me too. I was ill for WEEKS and it really hit me hard. I spent one week curled up in bed. Not been that sick since I was in school.

25-01-17, 16:49
Ugh. Back to worrying. Had another panic attack (Tight chest, nausea, shaking and needing the toilet. No racing heart though, thankfully!).

My regular doctor is back tomorrow so I am going to talk to her. I'm sure the ncie doctor on Tuesday didn't mean to freak me out as much as she did but I have been a ball of anxiety since... and all due to a mix up of words!

25-01-17, 17:04
Sounds to me like you're much more capable of rationalising than you realise. You clearly recognise that this was just a bit of a verbal gaff. Do your best to use that knowledge and I think you'll be surprised at the progress you make.

25-01-17, 18:09
Thank you. Your faith in my ability to rationalise has made me feel a lot better.
I do try. It comes and goes. Anxiety attacks and suddenly I lose all sense of reason

25-01-17, 20:35
It's not faith on my part. It's fact, backed up by your own words. Your next step is to start recognising the power of your own words, and to start applying them when those feelings of anxiety and panic set in.

I'm not saying it's easy, by the way. It's a process with ups and downs. But you've demonstrated the ability to rationalise, so that's something to build on.

26-01-17, 16:01
The saga continues!

As intended I went to see my regular doctor just to talk about my anxieties and have her check me over to see if I was ok

Well, yes, fine. No murmur that she could hear or anything that concerned her. Yay!!

But! I had a blood test a couple of days ago and the results were back for that... A positive Rheumatoid test...

Yay... >_>
So I've now been referred to the rheumatoid clinic. Still going to have the ecg too because why not :)