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View Full Version : Saw dermatologist for spot on palm. Every more worried.

24-01-17, 16:27
So I saw the dermatologist for this little 1mm spot on my palm that showed up about a month ago: http://imgur.com/OOq5vzu

He looked at it with a magnifying glass thing and said he thought it looked kind of like dried blood or something under my skin. He then scraped at it with some kind of tool for a minute which hurt kinda bad and bled.

There is still a little spot there after him scraping. He said he thinks the spot will go away and he didn't think it was a freckle or mole but of course said "if it doesn't go away in another month come back and we will remove it..." ... so of course there is at least some doubt in his mind as to it being blood.

Then he asked me again about how long it had been there and if I remembered injuring that area in any way which I didn't.

So, now I'm even worse than when I started. Now the area is pretty traumatized and honestly I fear he just sent melanoma deeper into my body and bloodstream by scraping at it like that, and the spot is still there. I can't tell if the spot looks the same yet because the area is so aggravated.

Honestly I'm more depressed than ever. Now, not only do I get to keep playing the waiting game with this spot for additional months while the melanoma surely grows deeper into my body, its spread has now been accelerated by scraping at it like this I'm sure. Honestly just more depressed than I have ever been in my life over this now.

24-01-17, 16:58
Melanomas take root in melanocytes which are present on the surface of the skin. A melanoma can't be like a dark dolphin swimming underneath the waters of the skin; this is bearing no sense. Anyway, if the dermatologist said you had to come back if the phenomenon persists, nothing prevents you from doing so.

24-01-17, 17:01
The spot is on the surface of my skin. However, I fear by scraping at it like he did he has pushed melanoma cells into the deeper layers of my skin or even my blood where they can spread further.

24-01-17, 17:14
You mean that minute black pinpoint spot on your palm? I had not seen it firt glance on the picture.
Now listen up: if the doctor had any concern about that tiny thing he would have it cut off on the spot and sent for biopsy. Dermatologist take no chances as melanomas go. None. Please calm down, there are lot of thing going on with the skin... spots, zits, stings, insect bites, blood stains...
Acral melanoma (the one that got Bob Marley) is utterly rare. Don't worry and stay in touch with your dermatologist if need be.

24-01-17, 17:16
Yes, that is the spot I'm concerned about.

24-01-17, 17:16
If he was concerned that it was melanoma he wouldn't have said to come back in another month. He would have have MADE an appointment then and there, and a lot sooner :)

24-01-17, 18:00
I dont want to minimize your concerns but that speck on your palm, a doc that has 0 alarms, and no one in a rush to do anything all point to this being nothing sinister.

Be well.

24-01-17, 20:25
I had hoped this dermatologist visit would put an end to all this. Not make it worse :(

24-01-17, 20:37
Ask yourself how come none of the reasonable arguments we've casted so far to ease your angish had any effect on your fear...
There s something more at work than just health concern.

24-01-17, 21:00
Because even though he thought it was perhaps blood under the skin, it did not come off with the scraping. It is still just as visible as ever. Now, not only that, I must continue to let this probable cancer continue growing on me for another month or even two.

24-01-17, 21:05
All right then so call that dermatologist back and say you re worried to the point where your life has become miserable, that you are very sorry but you want that lesion removed and headed right under a microscope for biopsy. I cant see him refusing that. Besides he wouldnt risk a trial for having neglected a medical hazard.
Grab your phone first thing tomorrow, willya?

24-01-17, 21:10
That's what I'm saying - it can't be removed right now. I asked him that. Now that he has scraped it all up he said it would look all weird under a microscope. It will have to heal first.

24-01-17, 21:19
Melonmas evolve in shape and size. Keep this spot under your daily watch and soon enough you ll see that it stays put and does not get bigger. That should give you some relief until time is ripe for the biopsy.

24-01-17, 23:22
Yeah, it's just a shame that now I have wait another month or two while it continues to invade my body. The scraping he did dug out some skin and clearly made it possible for the melanoma to penetrate into deeper layers of skin ... I can't believe that after this morning I am actually in a WORSE situation than I ever could have imagined. This is literally the worst possible scenario.

24-01-17, 23:51
Frankly pal, I really don t see that the scarpping could have any bad effect on the lesion even if it was cancerous. Just monitor the spot on a daily basis just so you can assess it is non-evolutive. And have trust in your doctor, he s been more than a decade into learnig his stuff. Cheers.

25-01-17, 00:43
those 2 episodes of house I watched make me vastly more qualified to make medical decisions. :doh:

seriously man....give yourself a break.

25-01-17, 00:51

You're worried, your doctor is not. As Sphincter said, give yourself a break.

Positive thoughts

25-01-17, 01:32
I really won't be able to until I know this isn't melanoma. It's ruining my life honestly. I feel like I'm in a deep dark hole and will have to soon tell my family I have cancer, likely made worse by a bad doctor.

25-01-17, 02:02
Dude that's a freckle. Dermatologists know what melanoma looks like. I had a big nasty black green blue spot near my groin. It was the size of a dime but the shape of Africa. My ex was down there and saw it at the time I didn't care but 5 years later it freaked me the hell out. My dermatologist told me if it was melanoma it was the smallest that he's seen that year. Dime sized, you have a pen mark sized freckle . It wasnt melanoma , so i freaked out about something else. Do yourself a favor and chill out bro.

25-01-17, 02:59
One reason I think I should be concerned is after he scraped at it a bit and it wasn't fully off he asked me how long it had been there and I think was starting to doubt that it was a blood blister or something. I think he was pretty concerned about it unfortunately.

25-01-17, 04:25
Have you ever tried therapy, or some sort of anti depressants ? I'm not trying to be rude you need to talk to someone and learn how to control your anxiety. Bro no shit 90% of people have marks like that on them. You see it and your brain just has a field day with what ifs. Yes bad things happen but you went from ALS to melanoma . I wen from heart disease to flesh eating bacteria to brain eating ameoba to melanoma to lymphoma to mouth cancer to brain tumor to CSF leak to ALS. Finally I went to see a therapist because I was tired of seeing all these specialists and them saying anxiety. It has helped I have my days but I'm able to use my tools and actually listen to people and calm down. Get help bro stop doing this to yourself.

25-01-17, 10:53
He looked at it with a magnifying glass thing and said he thought it looked kind of like dried blood or something under my skin. He then scraped at it with some kind of tool for a minute which hurt kinda bad and bled.

There is still a little spot there after him scraping. He said he thinks the spot will go away and he didn't think it was a freckle or mole but of course said "if it doesn't go away in another month come back and we will remove it..."

If HA wasn't so frightening and all consuming, your post would actually be funny, there is nothing in your op to imply the dr was even a tiny bit concerned, he DOESN'T think it is a even a mole let alone melanoma. What he actually thinks is IT WILL GO AWAY BY ITSELF.

I have been exactly where you are, and I used to be terrible with skin things, but everything you are doing is CLASSIC HA you are just feeding yourself into a frenzy. Put a plaster on it so you can't see it, DO NOT LOOK AT IT FOR A WEEK, DO NOT GOOGLE. I can guarantee you will be calmer by tomorrow.

Good luck, HA is shit, but it is beatable, one minute, one hour, one day at a time.

25-01-17, 12:16
Good advice groundhog. It may not be completely out of sight out of mind but it will stop him looking at it. Not looking at it every minute will allow time for his panic to settle down. Then he may be able to rationalise it better. So yes OP put a bandaid on it.

It's a bit like people who are obsessed with looking in the toilet. The best thing they can do is go to the toilet with the light off. Seriously.