View Full Version : Wisdom tooth

24-01-17, 19:56
Ok so when my top 2 wisdom teeth grew in, they didn't have enouh room to actually grow in so they grew in at a funny angle and started cracking.. I went to have my top right one out and the dentist didn't numb me properly but still pulled my tooth out even though I was screaming and pulling at his arm to stop him, it was horrendous, I went and had my top left one out and had a different dentist who was amazing and removed it with no pain just a bit of a pulling feeling..

Any way. I'm booked in for a week on Thursday as my bottom left wisdom tooth has cracked . I'm obviously in pain but I'm terrified, I have it done under local as I'm to terrified to have a general ,,,

I have a huge phobia of dentists and I've heard having lower wisdom teeth out is worse than the top ones

24-01-17, 20:15
I have a phobia of the dentist myself, but when you go in for your appointment express to your dentist of your fear and explain to them about your experience as you've had one bad and one really good and they'll be understanding of your situation as I don't think there are many people out there who actually enjoy the dentist.

I hope you have an easy experience this time around like you did before!