View Full Version : Spasms and Movement

24-01-17, 22:25
Hi everyone,

I posted before about neurological symptoms. My anxiety journey started with twitches in my feet and calves, then jaw and hand tremors, which led to a health anxiety crisis around ALS. I have been going to therapy and the doctors and they ruled everything out, except anxiety. Since therapy started I've been doing better.

However the past couple of days I've been experiencing occasional light muscle spasms or twitches which cause me to move a bit. For example, my leg will twitch and move a little bit, or my back will twitch and move a bit.

Do you think these spasms could still be anxiety?

24-01-17, 22:47
Yes yes and yes!
Jerks are very common with BFS. I have them often, when laying on couch or relaxing my legs will jerk. My twitching died down a little when I stopped fearing als, but the jerks are still there. I notice them more when I'm HA is up! It's just over stimulated nerves.
You're fine

24-01-17, 22:52
I been having jerks /spasms / and random crap

I think it's stress or anxiety I get them especially when I'm relaxed or trying to sleep which I hate.

I rather not google ALS nor do I want to know what that is plus I'm sure that disease comes with more than just jerking

24-01-17, 22:55
In almost all cases of ALS patients present with weakness. Not a perceived weakness, an actual weakness... ie can't pick up coffee cup or stand on tippy toes.
Twitching sometimes follows later but isn't considering a presenting symptom.
From my knowledge on ALS you would know something serious is wrong. Not just twitching and jerking

25-01-17, 13:20
I jerk a lot when my anxiety is ramped up

25-01-17, 13:25
I jerk also. Like random jerk here and there. I get twitches/soreness feeling and jerks sometimes. I think BFS can cause all of these.

25-01-17, 15:57
Yes yes and yes!
Jerks are very common with BFS. I have them often, when laying on couch or relaxing my legs will jerk. My twitching died down a little when I stopped fearing als, but the jerks are still there. I notice them more when I'm HA is up! It's just over stimulated nerves.
You're fine

Right there with you, and seconding her opinion. My legs fly around like they have electricity in them sometimes. So do my arms. Happens when I'm at rest. You're fine.

02-02-17, 22:01
I am incredibly jerky/ twitchy when in an anxiety spell. I try to put it down to the adrenaline flowing from the anxiety, but I still sit there tremoring/ twitching freaking out! I saw a neurologist over a year ago, who said to me that everyone has a natural tremor which can get worse/ better, and neurological disorders (such as MS/ ALS) will present themselves as a physical weakness- ie. You go to move an arm and you can't, or lift something light and physically can't. Hope you feel better!!

05-02-17, 18:36
I have most of these synptoms too- I had MRI's done last year for MS- all came back negative. I have muscle twitches (it lasted 6 months body wide then slowed down) now i have eye lid twitching in both eyes- and my hand has a very slight tremor in it that gets worse when anxious or hungry or when I am thinking about it! I am seeing the neuro on Wednesday to get some peace of mind (hopefully). The more I read about other people with anxiety having the same symptoms the better it makes me feel! I am still freaking out inside especially since my appointment is coming up and I was hoping my symptoms would be gone by then- but you have company- I have the same symptoms!

10-08-17, 18:24
Kate10, I know it's been a while, but can you follow up/update this post? It would be so helpful to those of us in a similar situation. Thank you!:)

11-08-17, 08:34
Hi, earlier this year I was getting a lot of spasms when my anxiety was at an all time high. I'd also get these random jerks. They've died down now that I'm finally coming down from a bout of high anxiety that went on for months. So yes they can definitely be caused by anxiety.