View Full Version : Pain in neck and chest when taking deep breath

24-01-17, 23:55
Absolutely terrified right now.

Last night when I went to bed I had pain in my chest that radiated up my neck/throat area. Worse when taking a deep breath. It's like a tight squeezing pain. Terrified that it's pericarditis or something like that. Anyone ever had something similar to this?


Gary A
25-01-17, 00:32
Absolutely terrified right now.

Last night when I went to bed I had pain in my chest that radiated up my neck/throat area. Worse when taking a deep breath. It's like a tight squeezing pain. Terrified that it's pericarditis or something like that. Anyone ever had something similar to this?


Pericarditis is actually not a serious condition, and is actually relatively common. It rarely requires hospital admission and is quite easily treated.

It could also just be a bit of a strain or something of that nature. If it persists then see your doctor, but I really don't think you should worry too much about this.

25-01-17, 00:40
FYI you mention squeezing pain in the chest at a Dr Office and see waht kind of attention you get....I did that once....oh boy apparently those are code words for the sky is falling. Turned out to be pulled muscle but they all turned in to ER docs fast

25-01-17, 02:07
FYI you mention squeezing pain in the chest at a Dr Office and see waht kind of attention you get....I did that once....oh boy apparently those are code words for the sky is falling. Turned out to be pulled muscle but they all turned in to ER docs fast

Lol. Years ago, when my anxiety\panic disorder was just beginning. I said something like that (mentioned chest pains) to the nurse at my docs office. She flipped out like she was having a panic attack. She ran back into the corridor and got a portable EKG machine and hooked me up to it.

I damn near panicked myself just because she was acting all nuts about it. Later on, after I had calmed down and they hadn't found anything wrong, I got to thinking about it and it pissed me off. She got my anxiety worked up over nothing. :lac:

bin tenn
25-01-17, 03:04
Lol. Years ago, when my anxiety\panic disorder was just beginning. I said something like that (mentioned chest pains) to the nurse at my docs office. She flipped out like she was having a panic attack. She ran back into the corridor and got a portable EKG machine and hooked me up to it.

I damn near panicked myself just because she was acting all nuts about it. Later on, after I had calmed down and they hadn't found anything wrong, I got to thinking about it and it pissed me off. She got my anxiety worked up over nothing. :lac:

Oh geez. When I had my very first panic attack at 17, I was in high school. In class. It lasted through two classes and I finally couldn't take it anymore. Before the next class I stopped in at the school nurse. As soon as I said "my chest hurts" she looked like she had seen a ghost, and she went into panic mode.

Dad took me to the hospital. Blood work, EKG and some other tests and all was normal - surprising, as I could literally see my chest and shirt moving with every (very rapid) beat. But yeah, just panic.

25-01-17, 22:51
Oh geez. When I had my very first panic attack at 17, I was in high school. In class. It lasted through two classes and I finally couldn't take it anymore. Before the next class I stopped in at the school nurse. As soon as I said "my chest hurts" she looked like she had seen a ghost, and she went into panic mode.

Dad took me to the hospital. Blood work, EKG and some other tests and all was normal - surprising, as I could literally see my chest and shirt moving with every (very rapid) beat. But yeah, just panic.

Lol. Don't they know they're not helping the situation when they act like that? It makes it worse for us. :doh: