View Full Version : Still worried about seizures! Possible reassurance?

24-01-17, 04:07
I recently had a sinus infection and the other night I started to have phantom smells and and I started to get super anxious about it. Then it got worse and I started to panic and feel nauseous. Some of the symptoms of simple partial seizures are nausea, smelling things that aren't there, and fear which is all I had and I'm convinced I have a temporal lobe tumor. someone help please I'm so scared :scared15:

24-01-17, 04:38
recently had a sinus infection and the other night I started to have phantom smells and and I started to get super anxious about it. Then it got worse and I started to panic and feel nauseous. Some of the symptoms of simple partial seizures are nausea, smelling things that aren't there, and fear which is all I had and I'm convinced I have a temporal lobe tumor. someone help please I'm so scared

24-01-17, 05:24
Have you gone to your doctor yet about that sinus infection and mention all those other symptoms to him or her? I've personally never experienced that myself, but maybe there are few here who have, although I would still go to the doctor about it. Sometimes sinus infections can screw with your sense of smell and taste.

24-01-17, 07:12
I've had the same problem I've had a sinus infection for over a week and I smell smoke almost smells like a fireplace I'm scared I have something sinister too

Gary A
24-01-17, 09:17
I recently had a sinus infection and the other night I started to have phantom smells and and I started to get super anxious about it. Then it got worse and I started to panic and feel nauseous. Some of the symptoms of simple partial seizures are nausea, smelling things that aren't there, and fear which is all I had and I'm convinced I have a temporal lobe tumor. someone help please I'm so scared :scared15:

But you have had a sinus infection. This also causes disruption of of your sense of smell and nausea. The fact you panicked when you felt these things is clearly down to anxiety.

24-01-17, 10:47
Funny smells and tastes come along with sinus infections.
Brain issued phantom smells would often times be associated with particular smells like smoke, burnt things or fecal like odors.

24-01-17, 11:50
I usually smell rubber or something sometimes burning. I've had a neurological exam but i don't think it could really tell if I had seizures :weep:

24-01-17, 12:00
Let's try and put a distance with your main symptom (smelling funny things) and focus on the big picture: having migraines lately? vision issue? Limb going numb or weak? Balance issue?
I guess none of the above. So just let it a few days for your sinus to heal up and if you still got these odors after a while, be on your way to your GP for advice.

---------- Post added at 13:00 ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 ----------

I just read you got into a neuro exam that came out fine and clear. Let's rest on that will you?
If your troubles persist you can always go back to your phyician and having him refering you for MRI or CT in order to brute force you into relief :D

24-01-17, 14:58
Hi, I'm going through the same thing but have not had a sinus infection. I am also having weird shooting and tingling in my legs and arms. I understand what you are going through, this is a very consuming dear for me right now. I am having different smells, sometimes a sort of chemical type smell like nail polish remover but there is no physical source. It's terrifying. Feel free to PM me.

25-01-17, 02:54
Sorry for posting again I'm just really worried. I was looking at the symptoms of brain tumors and I was researching phantom smells and all of a sudden I got a burning rubber smell the exact same one people get with seizures. I also have floaters, astigmatism, sinus headaches, tiredness, weird chill sensations, headaches, hot flashes, headache when bending over. These are all symptoms of tumors and I am scared. How often would I have the smells of they were seizures? Are they super strong? Or brain tumor?

---------- Post added at 18:54 ---------- Previous post was at 17:21 ----------

Please answer

25-01-17, 03:04
they are all also symptoms of a sinus infection....

25-01-17, 03:52
I don't have any weird colored mucus or anything. Do you know how often I would get the seizures if it was a tumor and if they Would be super strong? Can anxiety cause them?

25-01-17, 04:08
Or maybe sinus infection? I feel it in my face but mostly my left temple and the top of my head. Is this a brain tumor headache? I've had a neurological exam. Could they tell if I had increased ICP in my head?

25-01-17, 08:53
I get that sometimes and it's usually from a sinus infection - sinus headache, pain behind the eye, cheek numbness, ear ache, TMJ, all that. And yeah tight neck muscles will cause headaches too.

And I don't know about a neurological exam, but I would think they could tell with a MRI or something like that.

25-01-17, 11:47
could be excess tension in neck, dehydration, cluster headaches, tmj , or plain old stress.
Brain tumour symptoms are typically more like .fits , Seizures , strokes

25-01-17, 12:53
Sigh!!!! WOMAN why on earth ae you FEEDING your anxiety by looking at brain tumor symptoms??? Are you a glutton for punishment? Said with a bit of humor but also seriously questioning why are you choosing to increase your anxiety?

Since when is astigmatism a sign of a brain tumor? I have astigmatism. Since when are floaters a sign of brain tumor? I have floaters. Floaters (as per my opthamologist) are just debris in the vitreous humor that gets jostled up from tme to time. When have sinus headaches = brain tumors? Hot flashes? I have had ALL of what you are talking about and I don't have a brain tumor. Golly you are taking a bunch of NON- items and allowing your anxious thinking to lie to you.

*CAN* phantom smells mean simple partial seizures that *could* indicate a symptom of brain tumor? SURE. My dad smelled nail polish or nail polish remover when he had a temporal lobe tumor. My sister had a type of seizure when she had a tumor on. Her frontal lobe, too, but they were not phantom smells.

Did you know the anxiety creates such smells? When I get myself worked up (like you definitely are) I will smell things. When my sister was dx'd with a tumor, my mind when whack and I was smelling stuff all the time. Freaked me out. Did you know that sinus issues create such smells? Did you know that just random hiccups in the brain create such things? In other words our bodies do strange CRAP at times. Most folks go "wow that is weird" and then they go on about their lives. Only a HA person fixates on it and gets freaky thereby causing the anxious mind to creat it all the more? People get phantom smells all of the time. My sister in law says she gets them all of the time. Well she is not HA so she doesn't say "phantom smells". She says "Do you smell that? Ah I am always smelling things that no one else smells"

Listen: I have known 7 or 8 people who have had brain tumors. My eldest has a serious seizure disorder. I work with people with disabilites in which 75% have seizures. NONE of what you are talking about indicates brain tumor or that you are having seizures. What you have going is fear and you are feeding it.

25-01-17, 13:28
threads merged

25-01-17, 20:51
You just said none of my symptoms indicate a brain tumor but you also said that brain tumors cause phantom smells....

25-01-17, 20:56
You just said none of my symptoms indicate a brain tumor but you also said that brain tumors cause phantom smells....

Do you see how you just grabbed onto the ONE THING out of many to validate and keep your fear alive? You totally ignored everything else that was said :lac:

That's a hallmark HA behavior. I hope you find the inner fortitude to fight the irrationality of your anxiety.

Positive thoughts

25-01-17, 21:29
What's HA? Hypochondriac?

25-01-17, 21:34
What's HA? Hypochondriac?

Health anxiety.

25-01-17, 22:41
You just said none of my symptoms indicate a brain tumor but you also said that brain tumors cause phantom smells....

Holy CROW!!!!! What fishmanpa said

25-01-17, 22:43
Could my health anxiety cause those symptoms

25-01-17, 22:47
It could, and it would seem that it has.

25-01-17, 23:00
Could my health anxiety cause those symptoms

It can amplify it, Jenna. Make it all seem worse then it really is. You should really go to the docs and get that sinus infection taken care of, if you haven't already. Because sometimes we can't get rid of it on our own, without antibiotics or something stronger. They can linger on for months and be a pain, causing you stress.

Then maybe you can concentrate on taking care of your anxiety with CBT from a therapist. :)

25-01-17, 23:04
Could my health anxiety cause those symptoms

As I said in my original post to you, YES.

Stress/Anxiety causes physical symptoms AND an anxious mind can also out and out create symptoms. AND an anxious mind can also make you feel things that are not even there AND an anxious mind often takes boring, normal arsed, nuisance body aches and pains that we ALL GET BY VIRTUE of BEING HUMAN and make them "seem" like something that they are not---i.e. some big bad scary disease.

In other words your anxious mind is taking all of these NOTHINGS and turning them into a brain tumor. You don't have a brain tumor, you have a body that is exhibiting physical symptoms because your mind and body are worn out with worry. If you had a brain tumor, BIG CRAP happens to you.

Quit looking crap up online. You are only making your anxiety worse. No two ways about it.

Maybe you have a sinus infection, maybe you don't. But bottom line it ain't a sign of a brain tumor

Gary A
26-01-17, 00:34
Could my health anxiety cause those symptoms

Anxiety itself probably won't cause hallucinations in your sense of smell, but what it does do is make you hyper-aware of every little thing. If you read about "phantom smells" then the chances are you'll be focused on every little odour, this can lead you to believe every little thing is a hallucination.

It's a bit like when you're thinking of buying a particular car. You start seeing that model of car everywhere. It's not that they've became more popular or whatever, it's just that your mind is fixed on something so you notice it more than you used to.

Anxiety is no different. It fixes the mind on a particular symptom and all of a sudden you start noticing things that you never gave a second thought beforehand.

30-01-17, 03:18
Sometimes I get goosebumps on one Leg. Does this sound like part of a small seizure?

30-01-17, 03:43
No, it is not seizures. I had many seizures as a kid, so I know quite a bit about them, what you are talking about does not sound like a seizure.

Catherine S
30-01-17, 03:52
So there you go Jenna. You've just had reassurance from someone who has experienced seizures, so don't disrespect this person by coming back with another troll reply. Goosebumps = seizures... I have no more words.


02-02-17, 21:59
Will a brain tumor always show up on an MRI once the tumor starts to cause symptoms? Even without contrast?

02-02-17, 23:06
Will a brain tumor always show up on an MRI once the tumor starts to cause symptoms? Even without contrast?

A tumor large enough to cause REAL symptoms will show up on an MRI with or without contrast. Contrast just increases the detail

05-02-17, 13:28
Does anyone know if anxiety or nasal allergies can cause phantom smells? I'm worried

Gary A
05-02-17, 13:33
Does anyone know if anxiety or nasal allergies can cause phantom smells? I'm worried

Anxiety causes your senses to be more alert so it can certainly exhacerbate scents and odours you normally wouldn't notice.

Of course nasal allergies can cause them as well.

Can I just ask, why do people worry so much about this type of thing? I see "OMG phantom smells" on here on a daily basis. What is it you're all worried about, exactly?

05-02-17, 13:44
Anxiety causes your senses to be more alert so it can certainly exhacerbate scents and odours you normally wouldn't notice.

Of course nasal allergies can cause them as well.

Can I just ask, why do people worry so much about this type of thing? I see "OMG phantom smells" on here on a daily basis. What is it you're all worried about, exactly?

They believe their phantom smells are due to simple partial seizures caused by a brain tumor. However we all know there are many much more boring reasons to have phantom smells.

05-02-17, 14:43

I have merged all your threads on this topic

05-02-17, 14:44

05-02-17, 15:00
Because they are all about the same thing and it helps others who are replying if they know what has been said previously.

Gary A
05-02-17, 15:39
It also means you can look back at all the answers you've already had.