View Full Version : Back again 😖 TMJ?

25-01-17, 11:18
Hi all, i have managed to keep my self pretty much ok for a short while .. however everything has come to a sudden stop and my anxiety is back with a vengance!
Basically i lost my nan on jan 15th she was battling both alzeimers and dementia but sadly contracted pnemonia and it sadly took her from us :( .. on top of that i've also had so much stress with work! And now they have decided to terminate my contract thanks to the jack ass that took over befote xmas.
Anyway to cuta long story short my anxiety is back with a vengance! .. i have noticed my TMJ is worse than ever, i am clamping my jaw down almost constantly! .. especially while i am a sleep! My face is starting to feel the effects, especially my jaw. .. i have also noticed im getting tension headaches with it too.
My main concern is my node behind my ear has suddenly swelled up and tender to touch! Same side my jaw is getting clenched the most and ny ear is feeling full .. my question is could this be a sign of the TMJ? Could TMJ effect nodes? .. my neck is also stiff but i also put that down to TMJ until my node rissen now im just worried sick 😔