View Full Version : Are these lymph nodes or something else I'm feeling?

25-01-17, 12:33
I'm just a little curious as to whether I'm feeling lymph nodes or something else?
It's just in underneath my jaw bone, about half way between my ear and chin. I can feel one on each side of my neck (or throat as it's at the front). They're big softish round bumps. Because they're fairly large they're concerning me in case they're enlarged lymph nodes, but I do have one on the left and the right side, fairly similar in size and location.
Do these sound like lymph nodes or is there something else they could be?

25-01-17, 12:38
Well I have the same things there I've always assumed they were just palpable lymph nodes. We can sometimes feel our lymph nodes but it doesn't necessarily mean they're swollen.
I've also got one under my chin that I can always feel and mentioned it to my GP who said it's not even swollen.

25-01-17, 13:02
They are lymph nodes. Stop poking them you will make them swell. I never really went down the lymph node road. Don't you travel down it either. Look around the board, you can see what it does to people.

25-01-17, 17:43
I have the same thing you do and when I ran across them one day the old sphincter slammed shut. they felt big to me, I brought it up to my doc who felt them and gave me that "bless your heart" face and told me it was normal. That was enough for me for some reason, not sure why that time was enough when others werent.

huh...go figure.

be well.

25-01-17, 18:16
I have the same thing you do and when I ran across them one day the old sphincter slammed shut. they felt big to me, I brought it up to my doc who felt them and gave me that "bless your heart" face and told me it was normal. That was enough for me for some reason, not sure why that time was enough when others werent.

huh...go figure.

be well.

My GP can have a quick look or feel of something and I immediately trust him. I think if you find a GP you truly trust it can help immensely with HA as you will never get in that cycle of seeking further reassurance. My first CBT therapist basically told me to go to the GP for an issue (after waiting 3 weeks to make sure it's not going away) and once you've been told it's nothing to move on from that issue. I personally find it easy (as long as i can see my GP),but know some others can't accept it, I have no idea how you'd get over that issue of not trusting any doctor.

25-01-17, 21:55
I have the same thing you do and when I ran across them one day the old sphincter slammed shut. they felt big to me, I brought it up to my doc who felt them and gave me that "bless your heart" face and told me it was normal. That was enough for me for some reason, not sure why that time was enough when others werent.

huh...go figure.

be well.

Thanks for that. It does give me some reassurance!!!
I'm going to my doctor anyway tomorrow about something else so I know I'll mention it to her. Hopefully she'll tell me what your doctor told you, and if she does that will be enough for me.
I won't fall into the trap of not believing doctors - after all, what do I know when it comes to medical advice. I certainly know how to misdiagnose myself, in fact I'm an expert on that :)

26-01-17, 02:50
I'm just a little curious as to whether I'm feeling lymph nodes or something else?
It's just in underneath my jaw bone, about half way between my ear and chin. I can feel one on each side of my neck (or throat as it's at the front). They're big softish round bumps. Because they're fairly large they're concerning me in case they're enlarged lymph nodes, but I do have one on the left and the right side, fairly similar in size and location.
Do these sound like lymph nodes or is there something else they could be?

Probably lymph nodes; the fact that they are symmetrical is reassuring.
if you are feeling the same thing on both sides, chances are this is normal for you.
Even if they are enlarged, it is probably due to some infection or inflammation in your body.
best wishes.

26-01-17, 12:02
Thanks for replying everyone - I really do appreciate it.
Just an update in case anyone reads this thread with similar symptoms. I went to my doctor this morning and she said everything was fine with my lymph nodes. And she gave me a thorough examining.
Feeling those lymph nodes is just "normal for me".

That's a load off my mind anyway :yesyes: