View Full Version : Head Pain - Freaking out

25-01-17, 14:34
Yesterday I got a pretty bad head pain, it only lasted a few seconds and then I was fine.

Today I've had a more of a consistent head pain, and it's mostly on the right side of my forehead.
Every now and then it gets a bit worse for a few seconds. I'm really worried about meningitis or something like a stroke, clot etc..
Also, I when I first wrote this post, I put left instead of right. I'm worried that that means I'm confused too. When I realised, I fixed it, but like.. for a few seconds I thought it was the left side of my head, not my right.

It seems to hurt more when I move. If I'm still it's mostly alright. It's behind my right eye too. So: right side of my forhead and behind the eye, sometimes get a sharp pain that's worse.

Can someone reassure me?

25-01-17, 14:59
I had the exact same thing a few weeks ago; it was due to the weather change. Every time I would quickly move to the side or bend down to pick up something , there would be a sharp throbbing pain. Is it about to rain or snow in your area? It could be a headache from a change in barometric pressure.

25-01-17, 15:00

25-01-17, 15:02
I had the exact same thing a few weeks ago; it was due to the weather change. Every time I would quickly move to the side or bend down to pick up something , there would be a sharp throbbing pain. Is it about to rain or snow in your area? It could be a headache from a change in barometric pressure.

It definitely could be about to rain or snow. Where I am the weather has been all over the place lately. Some days it's warm and then the next it's freezing. I'm in the UK and some days recently have been as warm as a "good" summer day here (10-14 degrees celcius)
And it's always raining off and on. So I guess my headache could be to do with that. I hope so.

Thanks for your reply

25-01-17, 15:34
Sharp burst headaches that move location are ussually cluster headaches

25-01-17, 15:52
From what I've read, cluster headache is so bad you'd bang your head against a wall to try to stop the pain.

25-01-17, 16:11
The few seconds when it gets worse it does interfere with what I'm doing because it hurts so bad. Thankfully it doesn't last too long. I just have this long term fear of meningitis so a headache that lasts more than an hour is an absolute nightmare for me. I become convinced I'm dying.

---------- Post added at 16:11 ---------- Previous post was at 16:10 ----------

My right ear has started to hurt "inside" also. Could it be sinus related? Do your sinuses affect your ears? Lol

25-01-17, 16:23
Yes your sinuses affect your ears, it's all part of the same system. But your headache sounds like one I get semi-regularly, that can appear in any part of my head, but usually behind an eye socket, or the base of my skull, and bloody hurts. It's an anxiety thing, and has been going on about 15 years and I'm still here ;)

25-01-17, 16:26
Yes your sinuses affect your ears, it's all part of the same system. But your headache sounds like one I get semi-regularly, that can appear in any part of my head, but usually behind an eye socket, or the base of my skull, and bloody hurts. It's been going on about 15 years and I'm still here ;)

Thanks for your reply :) I don't get headaches all that often so this one staying as long as it has has made me really nervous. But everyone on here has made good points, I'm going to try and relax about it.

25-01-17, 16:31
Thanks for your reply :) I don't get headaches all that often so this one staying as long as it has has made me really nervous. But everyone on here has made good points, I'm going to try and relax about it.

It can be hard to relax when you've got a splitting headache, but yes, take your painkiller of choice, sit comfortably, and try to ignore it as much as possible.

Btw, I've had bacterial meningitis and you would feel like absolute s**t, not just have a bad head.

25-01-17, 18:43
It can be hard to relax when you've got a splitting headache, but yes, take your painkiller of choice, sit comfortably, and try to ignore it as much as possible.

Btw, I've had bacterial meningitis and you would feel like absolute s**t, not just have a bad head.

Thank you. That helps. I'm sorry you went through that, though. :hugs: