View Full Version : Poem..One Tear..xxxxxxxx

15-04-07, 22:32
One tear..
It sets everything else off..
The anger comes out..
The hurt is released..

I feel ashamed..
Ashamed for feeling like this..
I feel bad..
Bad because I'm not supposed to cry..

One tear..
It makes me panic..
Soon, the fear and frustration overtakes me..
I end up having a panic attack..
That fuels the anger even more..
Then i lash out..

I hit anything..
Anything which is in my way..
I hit the wall..
Smacking my fist against it..
Trying to make everything OK again..

One tear..
A devil inside me is released..
I try fighting it but it always wins..
Older, stronger people always win..

I feel so dirty..
So disgusting..
Its all my fault why this happened..
I should of stopped it..
Then all the memories come flooding back..
And i sink down to the floor, Limp, just crying...

One tear..
Now do you know why i hate crying now?
Do you understand?
I'm just a girl..just a child..

15-04-07, 22:40
Aw Kelly that was lovely hun. xxx

Pink Princess
15-04-07, 23:23

i told you sweetheart none of this is your fault. you are not to blame for any of it. promise your not. and it is ok to cry, i give you permission to cry. you are allowed to cry from the minute you come into this world until the minute you leave. if you were not meant to cry, you wouldnt be able to honey. its a good way to realease how you feel. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

you will get through this toots i promise xxxxxxxxxxx

and i will always be here to help you xxxxxxxxx

love ya smelly xxxxxxxxxxx
