View Full Version : New here and really need honest opinions.

25-01-17, 19:35
Hey everybody.

Im really struggling with health anxiety at the moment ita been pretty full on for the past 8 weeks. Its all started on the 2nd of december i had been to my daughters christmas fair had a lovely evening and after a nice shower BAM!!!! I found a lump in my armpit. The docter had a look and a feel and really wasnt concernd at all. Great i thought... a week later after having alot of pain across the top of my back wen sitting/leaning i found a small painful lump next to my spine on my upper back TOTAL MELTDOWN!. So along with these 2 lumps i have lots of pains here there and everywere upper arms always hurt but did hurt before all this. 4 doctors have looked at this lump on my back and ive been told it is 100% muscle knot,lipoma and a cyst. But not 1 doctor worried. Ive had clear bloods other than quite low vit d..... my question is for other healh anxiety worriers would you trust 4 doctors? As this is making my life misrable. But also another problem i have is if a doctor suggested further testing im.not sure i could cope with that either so im stuck really... anyways ill stop ramblig and really really hope i get sum replies and sum help. :whistles:

25-01-17, 19:39
Four doctors?! Yes! If you're not gonna trust them, who will you trust? Who else can you consult after medical professionals? The fact they aren't even remotely worried tells you everything you need to know.

Right now, your continued suffering is a consequence of your anxious and irrational thought. Challenge that, and you stand a good chance of nipping this issue in the bud and feeling better.

25-01-17, 19:47
Hi Loz and welcome along :flowers:

Are you worrying about the 'C' word?. If so then please try not to. It's a good sign that the lumps you have are painful because the others tend not to be which is why we are constantly told to check ourselves regularly as they can go undetected.

I'm not medically trained but did suffer from severe HA for many many years and I used Dr Google constantly. :doh: I was forever looking this stuff up. My opinion is if four doctors have checked you are are not worried at all by your symptoms then you have to trust that.

I'm sure you're just fine.


25-01-17, 20:08
I'll second what ServerError said. 4 doctors? I'm cancer survivor. If I had gotten ONE doctor to tell me I was all clear I would have been jumping for joy! 4 doctors? I'd be on a cruise celebrating ~lol~

If you can't trust that, what can a stranger say on an internet forum to help convince you? ;)

Positive thoughts

25-01-17, 20:25
I'll third it. If four doctors agree you're OK.

Is it muscular/joint type pain? If you've had it before the lumps then it's more likely that it's from that. Did you talk to the GP to see if there is anything that can be done to help with the pain?

25-01-17, 21:00
Hi all thank you ever so much for your replies. bottleblond yes you are absolutly right its the big 'C' im worried about the pain from the lump comes and goes and can sometimes feel sharp or pulsating. fishmanpa although yes you are all strangers from reading all posts the last few weeks we tend to all "think" the same so hearing people who understands opinions i thought would really help odk the arm pain is when i get to cirtain point like if i lift them both hey hurt and my spine and lower back. My biggest fear is them missing something. And i also tend to wlrry ablit what other people have got and take on that aswell... if you no what i mean..

25-01-17, 21:32
Four doctors missing something is exceptionally unlikely. Anxiety thrives on and exists where we struggle to deal with uncertainty. Theoretically, doctors are only human. It's not impossible for them to miss things, and it will probably never be impossible. It is that very smidgen of doubt which often turns into a chasm for the anxiety sufferer. I've been there and very much bought the tee shirt.

Given that uncertainty can never be entirely erased, what we're left with are the odds. In your case, what are the odds that four doctors' telling you you're fine are wrong? The chances of that being the case are so minimal that it shouldn't even trouble you. Learning to rationalise around the odds and to lend more weight to the more likely (and benign) scenario, is a key part of recovery from anxiety.

25-01-17, 23:09
I can turn a sliver of doubt in to an abyss of uncertainty

Me: My lymph nodes in my neck feel funny
Doc: (feels them) I Think your fine.
Me: YOU THINK or YOU KNOW!!?! because if your not sure then maybe we should get a second opinion, I have small children I cant be rolling the dice like this and leaving them without a father based on some guess you have, I read on google how this one lady had some swollen nodes and 2 hrs later she was dead, give it to me straight doc....how long do I got?

26-01-17, 01:36
Lol sphincterclench

26-01-17, 09:07
Congratulations on the all clear :)

One doctor dismissing something nasty is very unlikely, and I'd be happy with that. With every extra doctor that dismisses it the odds are multiplied. By the time you get to the fourth there is effectively no chance of anything being nasty.

I say this a lot on here, but start being a harsh on your own abilities here and realistic of your knowledge (or lack of) - who are we laymen, part-time Googlers to question the opinion of medical professionals who've done a decade of gruelling training and however much practical experience?

My mother-in-law had a lymphoma recently (now cured) and if they think it's even a possibility they take no chances, and move bloody fast.

26-01-17, 11:45
Currently my mind is battlinh with spinal tumors, bone cancer, breast cancer (right breast hurtsreally evryday had that checked out 4 years ago and doc had a feel before christmas n felt nothig) and ovarian cancer it is draining. I also have my smear next week n terrified of the results im an absolutle mess at the min to be honest i dnt no how im gettin through the days with this fear. Think work takes my mind of think im distant at home i have a 7 year old and 2 year old twins who i dnt massivly interact with as im constantly worrying. My pains are constantly on my mind.

26-01-17, 12:35
i have a 7 year old and 2 year old twins who i dnt massivly interact with as im constantly worrying. My pains are constantly on my mind.

So many worry about some miserable disease burying them 6 feet under when they don't realize that the illness they do have has already done that above ground :(

Are you getting any help with your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

26-01-17, 16:25
That reply made me so sad u r so right!! How sad is that my poor babies. No, no help as yet cbt phoned yest to arrange a plan but said she dusnt think its for me... as i have the lumps not just symptoms of health anxiety n thinks i would benefit more from health therapy.... dnt no the difference. But how awful is it when u think u know u have something....

26-01-17, 21:55
That reply made me so sad u r so right!! How sad is that my poor babies. No, no help as yet cbt phoned yest to arrange a plan but said she dusnt think its for me... as i have the lumps not just symptoms of health anxiety n thinks i would benefit more from health therapy.... dnt no the difference. But how awful is it when u think u know u have something....

Making you sad wasn't my intention but sometimes it's hard to look in the mirror and see what's really happening. You've made a positive step in arranging CBT. In the mean time, book a visit with your GP to discuss your anxiety and talk about some medication options that may help while you're waiting for CBT. They can help you chill a bit so you can focus until therapy starts. Discuss the options and side effects etc. so you're fully aware and know what to expect. I took meds (Zoloft) for depression along with therapy and they really helped. They were the crutch I needed until I got my feet back under me. Recently I was prescribed a "chill pill" (Xanax) I can take as neededthat has helped me with all the stress I've been dealing with during my wife's illness.

Again, good going for taking a positive step! :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

26-01-17, 21:59
and also brace for the fact that meds may need trial basis's to find what works for you.

I just had a med check today and we have tweaked my meds a few times to get me my best.

26-01-17, 22:03
really need honest opinions.

Snap yourself out of it.

4 experts have told you nothing is wrong.

Your brain has panicked and assumes the worst, and you are trying to validates its stupid beliefs by dwelling on the negatives.

Now pull yourself together, and start looking at all of the reasons to be positive.

Ignore the stupid lumps.

Lifes too short.

27-01-17, 19:36
Im really bad tonight god i sound crazy but im the most normal down to earth person u could ever meet. Yet this lump and this pain in taking over my life as im so sure something more sinister is going on. If this lump is "nothimg" why has my lower back/tailbone sting and hat lump pulsates... the pain is so bad when it comes on. Im so scared and so so tired of been worried. :-'(