View Full Version : Irrational brain bleed fear backed by symptoms. Need advice...

25-01-17, 20:14
Hey all,

For the past week I've been worried that I have a brain bleed, and I could have probably convinced myself that I'm OK by now, however, I've had many symptoms that just keep reinforcing this worry.

It all started when my friend came over last week. He is very into metal music, and I was mocking that. In the process I headbanged like metal fans are known to do. However, right after I immediately got worried that I had damaged my brain even though I hadn't actually hit my head on anything. Googling I saw that headbanging had caused at least one brain bleed in the past i someone.

Now at around this point I began to have an aching sensation right above and between my eyebrows, and it almost felt like I had a sunburn there. The next day was the same thing all day, and I was terrified that I had actually done damage. Then the next day, the burning had turned into a real headache. However, during these days, I had been developing congestion as well, and had written it off as being a head cold.

The next day I actually felt OK. However, the day after that, and continuing until now, I've had the original aching/burning feeling on my forehead between my eyebrows almost continuously. It has gone away maybe two or three times, during class where I am distracted by other things.

But now I'm still scared that this is brain damage. In my opinion, there's only two other things it may be: a head cold that has lingered this whole time (however, the congestion is mostly gone, and I still have the ache, or it could all be psychosomatic...

Also, just for reference, this video shows the same head motion that I did that started the worry (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppsSE4wSuq8). However, I only did it for like 10 or 15 seconds at most...


Gary A
25-01-17, 20:49
Hey all,

For the past week I've been worried that I have a brain bleed, and I could have probably convinced myself that I'm OK by now, however, I've had many symptoms that just keep reinforcing this worry.

It all started when my friend came over last week. He is very into metal music, and I was mocking that. In the process I headbanged like metal fans are known to do. However, right after I immediately got worried that I had damaged my brain even though I hadn't actually hit my head on anything. Googling I saw that headbanging had caused at least one brain bleed in the past i someone.

Now at around this point I began to have an aching sensation right above and between my eyebrows, and it almost felt like I had a sunburn there. The next day was the same thing all day, and I was terrified that I had actually done damage. Then the next day, the burning had turned into a real headache. However, during these days, I had been developing congestion as well, and had written it off as being a head cold.

The next day I actually felt OK. However, the day after that, and continuing until now, I've had the original aching/burning feeling on my forehead between my eyebrows almost continuously. It has gone away maybe two or three times, during class where I am distracted by other things.

But now I'm still scared that this is brain damage. In my opinion, there's only two other things it may be: a head cold that has lingered this whole time (however, the congestion is mostly gone, and I still have the ache, or it could all be psychosomatic...

Also, just for reference, this video shows the same head motion that I did that started the worry (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppsSE4wSuq8). However, I only did it for like 10 or 15 seconds at most...


Brain damage would manifest itself with neurological symptoms, like speech issues, trouble walking, limb weakness etc. A headache would certainly not to be the only symptom.

You've probably got a bit of a sinus or tension headache and you're simply connecting dots.

25-01-17, 20:51
I think if you had a worrisome brain bleed you would have more symptoms than a minor headache between your eyebrows?
I think you know that too deep down.

25-01-17, 21:53
Yeah, I know this sounds like an overreaction, but I'm just worried because the symptoms seemed to occur right around the time of the event. But you are right, there would probably be more noticable symptoms if it were something serious...

25-01-17, 22:29
Brain bleeds typically come in the form of stroke.
A common complaint of ( moshers ) is focal pain headaches, cause by shaking your head to

26-01-17, 01:56
I wasn't even trying to do it violently, because I wasn't being serious about it. I did if for like 15 minutes tops. But it sounds like you think there isn't any reason to worry?

Gary A
26-01-17, 01:59
I wasn't even trying to do it violently, because I wasn't being serious about it. I did if for like 15 minutes tops. But it sounds like you think there isn't any reason to worry?

As a few of us have said, a brain bleed or any brain damage would produce far more symptoms than a bit of a headache. You really don't have any reason to worry.

26-01-17, 02:05
A brain bleed would turn bad fast. Not something that would go unnoticed for weeks or probably not even days.

26-01-17, 02:05
15 minutes of head banging followed by a headache.
No. I'm not worried for you, I think you'll be fine

26-01-17, 02:07
If I did head banging for 15 mins I'd probably get a headache too lol. Not sure how people even dance that way lol or why haha.

26-01-17, 02:10
No brain bleed occurred.

Brains are better protected than that. Case in point--- several years ago my eldest had a seizure while going down the stairs and tumbled down one early morning. yes, scary thought, eh? Anyway she "arrived" on the landing and whacked her head on the stair moulding. Blood everywhere. Seven staples to the top of her head. CTscan--no cracked skull, no brain bleed.

26-01-17, 02:14
My wife has ABI (Acquired Brain Injury) from NMDA Receptor Autoimmune Encephalitis.

Here's the real deal and I'll leave it up to you to continue to insist about brain damage from head banging to metal music over a week ago....

Bottom line, no if's and's or but's.... you wouldn't have been able to post coherently about your fear if there were brain damage (.) PERIOD!

Frankly, I'll trade you your reality for mine.

Positive thoughts

26-01-17, 02:57
Thanks for the replies everyone, you've helped reassure me!

I'm working on finding a therapist to deal with this anxiety, but I'm thankful to have this as a resource in the mean time.

Oh one more thing. I meant to say I only headbanged for 15 seconds, not minutes!!! If I was the kind of person to do something like that, I don't think I'd be worried about it!

26-01-17, 03:03
My friend had a brain bleed 2 months ago and they just removed her trach a few weeks ago. She is relearning how to speak and walk.