View Full Version : Weird spots on scalp - freaking out!

25-01-17, 23:06
Hi everyone,

So this is my first post and I'm glad I found this forum! I've had HA for years. :weep:

I've recently found a small spot on the side of my head, towards the top. It's quite hard but skin coloured and feels tight, but sort of squidgy. Some days it feels tighter than others and it's been there for a couple of months now. It HAS got slightly bigger, but doesn't hurt or weep or anything. Tonight I noticed a hard patch of skin right on the top of my head, that felt like really thick skin but wouldn't come away when scratching. Me being me, had to have a good scratch to see...but no skin came loose, just felt like a hard-ish smoothed over flat lump. It freaked me out because not long afterwards there was a sort of spot there that looks red. I can't see it well as it's in an awkward place but it's definitely come up tonight and I can't work out what it might be. It feels like a normal pimple but since I've been rubbing that area (quite a bit!) it's given me a headache.. I know this is silly and I should go to the doctors, but then I don't want to go for a spot on my head.. Do you think this is anything for concern?

I do have a family history of cysts but all the pictures on Google don't look like what I have.. Also I do sweat a lot in my hair from the gym and don't always get a chance to wash my hair right after my workout. That patch of skin has probably been there a while and I do get dandruff now and again.. Has anyone ever had this before and can put my mind at rest?

Thank you to anyone who helps!

25-01-17, 23:26
Hair follicles can accumulate sweat and cause small spot like lumps on the scalp.
You should try to shower after every workout.

25-01-17, 23:32
I was thinking it might just be because of sweat and build up on my scalp...maybe..just the two spots are very different.. :huh: The red one is probably where I've aggravated the skin by scratching? I'll try to use actual shampoo, not the dry spray in stuff from now on! Thank you :)

26-01-17, 13:00
Update: the 'spot' on the top of my head now feels quite raised and hard...a little thick and crusty maybe...hard to describe. My head has been feeling really sensitive and tender there all day. Does this sound normal? I can't find any explanation online! I had a similar thing on my arm...like a hard crusted thick skin lump that has been there for years. Could it be the same thing? I'm completely freaking out thinking it's something bad because it's on my head! :(

26-01-17, 13:11
If you have similar one on your arm, then it's logical to say they are the same condition. Best to try and see a dermatologist. You may need antibiotic cream.
But I wouldn't get worked up about it.

26-01-17, 13:40
I'm probably causing the headache by fixating... Ugh...deep breaths :)

15-04-18, 20:50
I felt what I thought was a scab or spot on my scalp and tried picking it but I can still feel a spot there and it’s red when I look at it but it’s so hard to see it properly because of my hair and it’s locatio. I’m really worried about what it might be :( feeling sick with worry that I’m going doctors about it tomorrow. When I showed my partner he said it looks like a spot you have picked I’m hoping that’s all it is .

15-04-18, 22:10
I felt what I thought was a scab or spot on my scalp and tried picking it but I can still feel a spot there and it’s red when I look at it but it’s so hard to see it properly because of my hair and it’s locatio. I’m really worried about what it might be :( feeling sick with worry that I’m going doctors about it tomorrow. When I showed my partner he said it looks like a spot you have picked I’m hoping that’s all it is .

If you have greasy hair and oily skin, it's probably a sebaceous cyst due to overproduction of sebum and blocked hair follicles. It's not serious and I'm sure GP will reassure you.

16-06-18, 21:34
Yes my doctor did reassure me about it :) it eventually went away and since then ive noticed i get others but they go away after a week or so, so im guessing they must be just some kind of spot