View Full Version : question for ladies

25-01-17, 23:22
I've been having an on and off stabbing (brief) pain on the left hand side- kind of where your fallopian tubes might be. Does this sound like ovulation? I'm worried that it's coming from another organ? I'm a little past mid cycle (so maybe post ovulation). Please help me not freak out!

25-01-17, 23:28
Did you get the pain in the same place during when you thought you had ovulation or is this the first time this cycle? I can get pain after I've ovulated too. It's the same thing you describe, brief but quite stabbing or more of a dull ache..sometimes it takes my breath away when I stand up suddenly! It only lasts a while and then it's gone though, not going on for more than a couple of hours in a day. Do you have anything else with it? Have you had it before, same side and feeling etc.?

25-01-17, 23:54
No other symptoms along with it. I think I had something similar like this last month, but it was brief. This has been going on for a few hours. It seems like it's coming from the ovary area?

26-01-17, 00:07
Ovulation pain and cramping (also called Mittelschmerz) is normal for some women (about 25%). I get it most cycles, and I've come to appreciate it, as it lets me know when my fertile periods are, so I can avoid pregnancy.

Some women even spot a little during ovulation. I have, a few times; not every time.

If you are pretty sure you are past ovulation in your cycle, then the pain may be from something else. Possibly gas?
I suffer from IBS, and I've found gas pains to be utterly indistinguishable from ovulation pains and period cramps. I mean, I literally cannot tell the difference.
I once joked to my ex-husband that "I can't tell if this is period cramps or if I'm about to have diarrhea." :wacko:

Sometimes we get a fluid-filled cyst on our ovary. This is known as a simple cyst and has no real malignant potential (solid cysts- also known as "complex cysts"- are more worrisome, but still usually benign). When the fluid-filled cyst ruptures, it can cause sharp pain and cramping in the area of the ovary it was attached to. Sometimes, there can be a bit of spotting as well. These are pretty common.

I am guessing that what you are dealing with is either ovary-related (NOT cancer, just normal stuff) or gas/intestinal pains.
There are really no other organs in the vicinity that could be causing it.
If you truly feel it is in your fallopian tube, it could be a tubal (ectopic) pregnancy or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, I suppose.... in my teens, I contracted Chlamydia from my boyfriend, and before I ever knew I had it, it went into my tubes and caused Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. This was treated and cured with antibiotics. But that (and also an ectopic pregnancy, i am told) involved double-you-over, writhing-on-the-floor, crying intensity pain. I went to the Emergency Room for my cramping, when I had PID. That's how bad it was.
If your cramps are merely uncomfortable or mildly painful, I'd bet my money on gas pains or some normal ovarian process.
Being female sucks sometimes, doesn't it? :(

26-01-17, 00:09
Is it possible you're ovulating now, later than usual? I find the pain for me is quite low down but can go up as far as my hip bones sometimes. When I freak out about the pain there I look up symptoms of ovulation because there are probably other things that have been going on that you haven't really thought of and can put it all together to work out if it is just that :)

26-01-17, 00:14
Thank you both for replying. It could very well be ovulation pain. It really does feel like it's coming from that area! I used to get a twinge feeling when ovulating, but I don't think I experienced that this month, so maybe it really is just ovulation? I hate having anxiety.

26-01-17, 00:22
Thank you both for replying. It could very well be ovulation pain. It really does feel like it's coming from that area! I used to get a twinge feeling when ovulating, but I don't think I experienced that this month, so maybe it really is just ovulation? I hate having anxiety.

How far are you into your cycle?
Sometimes I ovulate as late as day 17 or 18.

26-01-17, 00:29
I'm probably on day 20 or so. I just started taking Zoloft this month, so maybe my period has shifted a bit and i'm ovulating late.. .

26-01-17, 01:28
Are you seeing a therapist? You seem to be in a spiral. You have had a lot of different issues. Classic HA which won't get better by just taking meds.

26-01-17, 01:53
Yes. I'm actually waiting for my appointment now. Anxiety is so frustrating .

26-01-17, 02:02
Yes it is but you need to adopt the "what are the chances" method. Over the previous weeks you have had concerns about a lot of different issues that turned out to be nothing. So what are the chances that this issue is anything to be concerned about? It's good that you are going to see a therapist. You are on the road to recovery. Mind you it can be a difficult journey. lol