View Full Version : Scared that my body can't fight off virus

26-01-17, 08:13
I'm completely horrified. After "conquering" my medical anxiety regarding MS, brain cancer, etc, I thought I was in the clear. Boy was I wrong.

I came down with a nasty virus the other day. I remember probably half a week ago waking up to a nasty sore throat. I didn't think much of it and went about my day. I woke up the following morning feeling a lot worse, but went out with my friends anyway. I got back in the evening and felt like complete crap, so I took my temperature. 101.5. I assume flu because that's been going around, and opt to watch and wait. The next day, I wake up feel much better. In fact, by mid day, my temperature is down to 98.9! Come night, however, my temperature is back up to 100-something, I feel horrible, and around midnight I begin getting excruciating pain in my right ear. I should mention that by now, my right eye is also in pretty bad shape. I get a doctor's appoint the following morning (which was this morning) because I'm starting to freak out. He assesses me and prescribes me a nasal spray, eye drops, and mucinex. Going to the doctor and having him NOT tell me I have super-cancer always ups my mood, and when he took my temperature he told me it was totally fine, so I went through the rest of today pretty happy. But sure enough, come night, now BOTH eyes are in bad shape (secondary pink eye[s] is the assumption) and right around half an hour ago my cough started feeling really nasty. Odd feelings in my chest, wheezing, etc. And my temperature is back up to 101.

I want to believe this is just a nasty cold (my flu test came back negative), but there are two things besides my general anxiety associated with being sick that are really fueling my fears.

1. My theory is that, because I'm gluten intolerant, eating nothing but gluten products for two straight days (horrible idea) suppressed my immune system, causing some bug that was probably already in/on/around me to become active. This actually isn't a theory based in anxiety, as it does seem to happen to me often if I eat a small amount of gluten, but normally I'll have cold symptoms for only a few days. My new anxiety-based extension to that theory is that eating so much gluten (in the form of naan, so darn good I couldn't resist) for two straight days really did numbers on my immune system and now this virus is just wreaking havoc on my body. It seems to me like the virus went up to my right eye, then my right ear, then the left eye, and now it's starting on my left ear and lungs. It really, really feels like that. It feels like this virus is allowed free reign because my immune system is deactivated by all the gluten I was eating.

2. The fact that my fever and severe symptoms exclusively occur at night really freaks me out. There's no particular thing I'm associating that with, but just in general it's so weird that it causes me great anxiety. Night and day right now really is "the difference between night and day" for me, not only in terms of how I feel-- I am literally sicker at night. Mid day I feel relatively good besides congestion and a light cough. My temperature is normal. Midnight, all my symptoms get worse and my temperature typically rises to around 101. Like I said this only scares me because I feel like some weird stuff is going on.

I know I might sound like this isn't effecting me much, but the last 3 days for me have been complete living hell. I feel horrified, depressed, helpless-- I keep having this vision of me going back into the doctor and telling him that it feels like the virus is just spreading through my body and blah blah blah, and him reacting negatively and becoming extremely concerned. I just want this hell to be over. I will literally never eat gluten again, not even a single cracker or anything.

26-01-17, 08:46
Actually if you are allergic to gluten eating nothing but gluten would put your immune system into overdrive not suppress it.

I am immunosuppressed vie medication (I have an autoimmune disease and it's the only way of controlling it) and when I get infections I do not get the usual infection symptoms becausey body doesn't fight it that much ie fever. I very rarely get a fever despite having infections. The fact that your body is fighting it is a very good sign.

26-01-17, 08:57
Actually if you are allergic to gluten eating nothing but gluten would put your immune system into overdrive not suppress it.

I am immunosuppressed vie medication (I have an autoimmune disease and it's the only way of controlling it) and when I get infections I do not get the usual infection symptoms becausey body doesn't fight it that much ie fever. I very rarely get a fever despite having infections. The fact that your body is fighting it is a very good sign.

I appreciate the response, thank you very much. But immune system suppression is actually a known symptom of gluten intolerance. Also, my symptoms are not typical of simply my body fighting off the virus. That would not manifest as duel pink eye and possible ear infections/pneumonia

26-01-17, 09:04
My theory is that, because I'm gluten intolerant, eating nothing but gluten products for two straight days (horrible idea) suppressed my immune system

I am gluten-intolerant, and if I ate gluten for two straight days, i'd feel like ending it all.

It has such a negative effect on my mind these days.

Probably done the same for you.

26-01-17, 09:26
I appreciate the response, thank you very much. But immune system suppression is actually a known symptom of gluten intolerance. Also, my symptoms are not typical of simply my body fighting off the virus. That would not manifest as duel pink eye and possible ear infections/pneumonia
What virus do you have? You don't know the usual manifestation of you don't know what the virus is.

Celiac disease and gluten intolerance is autoimmune which means your immune system attacks healthy cells thinking they are foreign which means your immune system is overactive not underactive. I google searched and didn't see a single thing that said that gluten suppressed your immune system.

With celiac disease and gluten intolerance, your small intestine is primarily affected; ingesting gluten prompts an immune response. Your immune system is inappropriately activated, which impairs your body's ability to absorb nutrients."

26-01-17, 10:29
What virus do you have? You don't know the usual manifestation of you don't know what the virus is.

Celiac disease and gluten intolerance is autoimmune which means your immune system attacks healthy cells thinking they are foreign which means your immune system is overactive not underactive. I google searched and didn't see a single thing that said that gluten suppressed your immune system.

With celiac disease and gluten intolerance, your small intestine is primarily affected; ingesting gluten prompts an immune response. Your immune system is inappropriately activated, which impairs your body's ability to absorb nutrients."

He chalked it up as the common cold. My point was that your body doing its job doesn't manifest as getting infections all over your head. It seems to me as though the virus is having its way with my eyes and ears. Both ears clogged, pink eye in BOTH eyes. And now I'm worried about my fever not going away within 5 days because that's considered when it becomes "serious" 😭 Today will be day 4 of having a fever assuming I have one

26-01-17, 11:36
I've had a nasty virus too, seemed to last forever. Hacking cough, blocked nose, major fatigue and then my eyes swelled up. I think it was from 2 weeks of constant congestion, but I too freaked out. I didn't actually go to the docs over it, just got some nose spray and waited it out. Don't be alarmed if it takes a while to shake either, mine took ages and it's not actually totally gone, my left eye is still a bit scaly and my nose is blocking up randomly during the day. I dunno about the gluten thing but either way, you'll be fine. Just drink plenty water and try a berocca! X