View Full Version : Really bad day

26-01-17, 08:14
Hello everyone
For a couple of months now i been suffering with on and off neck pain/headaches .... first i thought it could be a tumor or something in the likes but each time it eased off my anxiety would go down until a couple weeks ago... ive been very busy with family in law and looking after mother in law ( which implied a lot of driving back and forth to their house and a LOT of cooking)
As well as looking after her and looking after my own little ones iam hearing that once again they are having beef with me ( never accepted me only to give them some help ) and yesterday was the worst day in my neck pain history...
I had the housework to deal with ( my own) and carried quite a lot ( wet laundry , an awful lot of ironing done etc) as well as looking after my sick child ... by the end of the day my neck was throbbing with pain aswell as headache ( behind my left eye) and of course the other side ( first day of menstruation)
My mind went crazy as iam also poorly and everything afding together i feel a wreck... couldnt go to sleep i really thought that i was having an aneurysm and took one paracetamol tablet and finally drifted to sleep... today is a bit rough as both the kids and i am poorly but my mind is still racing as i fear the neck pain and horrible eye /head tension/pain might return... please someone tell me iam not the only one..

26-01-17, 09:08
This is surely tension headaches/neck pain. It's caused by stress typically :( I'm sorry you're going through this but trust me it's nothing dangerous. Everyone and their moms get this

26-01-17, 19:24
Thanks a lot sometimes i can reassure myself but it would really help to get people's experiences

26-01-17, 19:26

26-01-17, 19:55
I dont think that this is a migraine as i get it whenever iam active ( it stopped me from my daily workouts too) driving is ok until afterwards... iam meeting my GP tomorrow morning and my mind is just racing ( thinking about all types... thyroid cancer, brain tumor,throat cancer etc..) i think the worst is having to take the kids with me ( no sitter and they are both poorly)