View Full Version : terrifyed i have appendicitis

26-01-17, 16:35
About 40mins ago I had a severe stabbing pains in my stomach for about 5 or 6 minutes around my belly button. I was walking at the time and managed to keep walking to where I needed to get too. It's happened once before, a few months ago and I passed out on that occasion and I thought it could of been dehydration then. but I'm sitting now really worried it's appendecitis or something really severe. I do have ibs but I can't see how something that severe could be caused by ibs. My other thought was it could be gastritis as I do drink heavily. Any advice would be appreciated I'm freaking out at the moment :(

Clydesdale Epona
26-01-17, 16:50
Do you still have the pain? or did it just stab for a couple of minutes? x

26-01-17, 17:07
Thankyou for the reply and No my stomach just aches now :/

26-01-17, 21:32
Gas pains can feel like severe stabbing pain. Do you feel bloated or anything?? Maybe gas?

Clydesdale Epona
26-01-17, 21:45
Appendicitis rule of thumb is if it continues and gets worse over the course of time(gradually building until you can't take it anymore and end up crying)

if you have a high fever(and not just a warm head feeling either, think of the worst flu you've had and times it by x10)

Nausea, loss of appetite ect.

my best advice is always just to keep an eye on it but seeing the time frame since you posted if it's still the same i'd say you're good.
it could be down to a lot of things and IBS being one of them, don't underestimate it mines been horrific for about a week now x

27-01-17, 10:05
Hi Theon

I have had appendicitis, and an appendectomy.

When it occurred, yes I did get pain on my right side. When the doctor presssed on the left side, the pain was worse (this was a test, as it is so sensitive, pressing far away will still cause pain). Also, I was very sick, kept vomiting, and felt truly awful. My Mum said I looked grey.

So.what I am saying is that other than the pain, there are other very obvious symptoms you cant really miss

Hope you feel better soon :-)