View Full Version : Walking phobia and anxiety or really heart??

26-01-17, 18:22
Ok, so you say that if you're having a real heart attack you wouldn't be posting on here.....but, every night after I come out if work and walk about 400 yards to the car park, I feel panicky because my chest aches/feels tight and between shoulder blades and down my back hurts. Feels like I can just get to car and feel like I will conk out! Been like this for a few years, mainly this time of year. Had numerous ecgs and bloods, all clear. It can also make me feel a bit disorientated and dizzy when walking. Hence now I have a massive walking phobia. I got to car one night last week and a strange wave came up from my stomach all through chest and arms, frightened me to death so shot off to Drs while they were open still. Dr checked me over, blood pressure ok, heart and lungs ok, I said I thought it was angina but she said not....and she felt for me as anxiety is awful..how would she know from just clear ecgs and listening to heart?? I am sat here now, an hour later from getting home and still feel chest is tight and about to pop my clogs which then makes me anxious. Everybody says anxiety but can't believe it. I'm 60, don't smoke or drink and not overweight but terrified it's my heart. Also, my blood pressure was 138/20 which she said normal but telly dr said that was high the other morning?? I just want to go for a normal walk. Husband said I am thinking about walking to car subconsciously so that's why it happens. Yesterday, I almost sprinted there on adrenaline as I was trying to avoid someone and wasn't bad....weird but worrying. :weep:


26-01-17, 19:01
Also, my blood pressure was 138/20 which she said normal but telly dr said that was high the other morning??

Do you mean 138/120???

Husband said I am thinking about walking to car subconsciously so that's why it happens. Yesterday, I almost sprinted there on adrenaline as I was trying to avoid someone and wasn't bad....weird but worrying. :weep:

Totally agree with him on this and that was my first thought when reading this.

26-01-17, 19:11
Sorry, should have been 138/80!!!

I just can't get over it though....I try to distract myself while walking but it doesn't work. Why would it not be angina??? Read that angina could just be discomfort in chest or back....and it's worse in winter.

26-01-17, 20:43
If I understand you correctly, you're saying this only happens when you're walking out to the parking lot, when getting off from work? If so, how about any other time your walking? Say if your walking around in a store shopping or walking in other areas, even in the house? When you exert yourself doing other things that can be consider a form of exercise, besides walking, do you get the same issues? Does it happen only when you are alone or when you are with other people? That are the questions I would be asking myself.

If the dizziness feels like you're on a ship that is rocking and you are having a hard time keeping your balance, that is usually do to the adrenaline jump starting either your heart rate or raising your blood pressure a bit, or both at the same time. In which, Anxiety and panic disorder can cause that just out of the blue like that. And also a quick shot of adrenaline can cause those strange waves in the body you mentioned.

Given your age, I can see why you would think it might be heart issues, but the way you've described ever thing thus far, including the BP of a 138/80, it really sounds like anxiety to me from similar experiences of my own; and I had that going on for 6 years and I never once had anything really concerning happen to me while walking. Never even passed out when I felt like I was going to many times.

26-01-17, 21:07
It all started when I got this job and felt stressed because it was new etc. Then it fast became a problem and I hated going to work. Then it became a real walking or exerting phobia and I would not walk anywhere. I took myself to a&e several times but was told all ok. Sometimes happens in shops. Stairs don't bother me and I'm never breathless. Yes, also feel a bit 'swimmy' or unsteady when walking. I have always been exercise intolerant, it makes me feel awful and even doing a bit of dancing makes me want to sit down. I did manage Pilates for a spell but I think I just don't trust my body or I really do have a serious problem. I see old people able to do more than me and it's depressing.

26-01-17, 21:38
It all started when I got this job and felt stressed because it was new etc. Then it fast became a problem and I hated going to work. Then it became a real walking or exerting phobia and I would not walk anywhere. I took myself to a&e several times but was told all ok. Sometimes happens in shops. Stairs don't bother me and I'm never breathless. Yes, also feel a bit 'swimmy' or unsteady when walking. I have always been exercise intolerant, it makes me feel awful and even doing a bit of dancing makes me want to sit down. I did manage Pilates for a spell but I think I just don't trust my body or I really do have a serious problem. I see old people able to do more than me and it's depressing.

Well see if you've been walking up stairs without it bothering you or being breathless all this time, then I'd say you're in damn good condition. :winks:

That should be proof enough for you, but I understand myself how stress and anxiety can overcome our logical and rational thinking. It feels like your mind is going a 100 miles an hour and it's hard for one to keep calm and think straight when we're like that.

So when that is happening to me, there is a positive self repeat technique that a CB therapist taught me to say to myself in my head, over and over again, whenever my HA fears would start up while I was walking around in a store or something like that. It goes like this; I am safe, I am healthy, I am fine.

As silly of thing as that sounds to do, if you keep repeating that to yourself when you feel the doom and gloom coming upon you while you are walking or exerting yourself, it can actually help minimize the anxiety. Because you are distracting yourself from the intrusive negative thoughts and worry and you are reaffirming eventual positive thoughts. It hasn't worked for me all the time, but it has most of the time. Maybe it will for you. :)

26-01-17, 22:13
Ok, so you say that if you're having a real heart attack you wouldn't be posting on here.....but....

No "but" about it. I've had two heart attacks. Both were different in the way they felt (due to different areas of the heart) but man o man! There was no mistaking something was wrong! If you were actually having a heart attack, you wouldn't be posting and hanging around waiting for responses I assure you!

Positive thoughts

26-01-17, 22:15
Thanks PG. funnily enough, I say those words as well or sometimes I say 'all is well and all is as it should be'. Like you say, hard to be logical or rational when an anxiety sufferer. Thanks for your kind response.

27-01-17, 17:14
No "but" about it. I've had two heart attacks. Both were different in the way they felt (due to different areas of the heart) but man o man! There was no mistaking something was wrong! If you were actually having a heart attack, you wouldn't be posting and hanging around waiting for responses I assure you!

Positive thoughts

I know what you are saying FMP but women get different heart symptoms than men and it feels like it will build up to one.

31-01-17, 20:14
These 'heart' symptoms are getting me down now. Been really worked up as got wave feelings every time I tried to walk even round shops and from car to cafe so made me even more anxious. Took a Valium to get to work and a Valium to walk to car park last night as a test and was a lot better. So scared to do anything remotely physical. Made myself walk two flights of stairs today and fine but when I walk in the street, can't? Could it be slight agrophobia? Apprehension? I feel like my upper body is wound up like a cog and full of concrete and walking through treacle. Can stress really feel that bad?

Are ecgs reliable enough to say whether further testing is required? So much conflicting advice on here. People keep saying all ecgs are clear and so that should reassure them but next read that it's not enough.

31-01-17, 20:21
I know what you are saying FMP but women get different heart symptoms than men and it feels like it will build up to one.

True... women can get different heart symptoms but a heart attack is a heart attack and it'll drop you! If you've been having these symptoms for a "few years" and all the tests are clear as you say? I think you're ok ;)

Positive thoughts

31-01-17, 21:22
These 'heart' symptoms are getting me down now. Been really worked up as got wave feelings every time I tried to walk even round shops and from car to cafe so made me even more anxious. Took a Valium to get to work and a Valium to walk to car park last night as a test and was a lot better. So scared to do anything remotely physical. Made myself walk two flights of stairs today and fine but when I walk in the street, can't? Could it be slight agrophobia? Apprehension? I feel like my upper body is wound up like a cog and full of concrete and walking through treacle. Can stress really feel that bad?

Are ecgs reliable enough to say whether further testing is required? So much conflicting advice on here. People keep saying all ecgs are clear and so that should reassure them but next read that it's not enough.

Need the answer re ecgs if anyone medical knows?

31-01-17, 21:35
These 'heart' symptoms are getting me down now. Been really worked up as got wave feelings every time I tried to walk even round shops and from car to cafe so made me even more anxious. Took a Valium to get to work and a Valium to walk to car park last night as a test and was a lot better. So scared to do anything remotely physical. Made myself walk two flights of stairs today and fine but when I walk in the street, can't? Could it be slight agrophobia? Apprehension? I feel like my upper body is wound up like a cog and full of concrete and walking through treacle. Can stress really feel that bad?

Are ecgs reliable enough to say whether further testing is required? So much conflicting advice on here. People keep saying all ecgs are clear and so that should reassure them but next read that it's not enough.

Well it could be agoraphobia. It does sound like it, but I'm no psychologist or therapist. But I have been diagnosed with it myself. And I use to have it come on a lot when I was in crowded\public spaces and what would start it is the anxiety and fear of having a panic attack in those crowded spaces. Which is really ironic because I would start having panic attacks about having a panic attack in public crowded spaces, like in stores or malls and so on. :doh: But then, running back to my truck and getting into my vehicle was my safe space. Not entirely, but enough to calm me down. Does that sound like you?

Still, I gotta say, if you can walk up two flights of stairs and not have any trouble doing that, well there can't be any real heart trouble, even though it feels that way at times with the anxiety and panic attacks. I can't see how you would have heart problems if you're able to do that.

I say keep doing the stair test whenever you feel the need, that's going to keep proving to you that you are fine and are in great shape for your age.:winks:

31-01-17, 21:59
Yes, PG, my safe place is home so once I get home from work, I feel so much better. The evenings are definitely my best time.

Funny, walked the two flights of stairs but just sorted fridge out and wiped the inside out and felt totally knackered! Chest hurts and felt no upper body strength. Just don't know what to make of it.

31-01-17, 22:45
Yes, PG, my safe place is home so once I get home from work, I feel so much better. The evenings are definitely my best time.

You know why? Because all that stress and anxiety melts away. You're not having to deal with the hustle and bustle of every day life when your at home, like you usually do at work or in the public, because it's peaceful and quiet and not a helluva lot going on. That's another safe place for me too. :winks:

Funny, walked the two flights of stairs but just sorted fridge out and wiped the inside out and felt totally knackered! Chest hurts and felt no upper body strength. Just don't know what to make of it.

Sounds like you don't have as much upper body strength as the lower body strength in your legs. But that's not unusual for most women. So it's probably muscle fatigue in your chest causing that or adrenaline from anxiety or maybe even both. Also, as we tend to age we get tired and worn out easy and more so then we did when we were younger.

But you could always have a stress test done with a heart ultrasound to check your heart, just for peace of mind. Although really walking up two flights of stairs is pretty much a stress test in itself. Anyway, at your age, it's never overkill to get such a thing done. Both my parents did it in their late 50's to early 60's. :)

01-02-17, 07:59
Stairs don't bother me and I'm never breathless.

Stairs would be a problem if you had heart disease. My MIL had it and she had to stop and rest after three steps. So take comfort in that. This all sounds like anxiety. If you can climb a set of stairs and not be out of breath, you're in good nick.

01-02-17, 08:07
I've experienced this, at least similar. Anxiety is a very powerful thing. I had tests etc, all fine. Basically I just had to force myself to walk. I have 2 large dogs so had little choice. I can walk quite a lot now. Did a 2.5 hour, steep hike today. Few months ago I struggled to walk more than a few hundred metres unless someone was with me. You can beat this!

01-02-17, 12:20
Thanks guys.

Shazamataz - when you said you got more or less the same - do you mean you couldn't walk or were just anxious about walking? I start off okay and then after a few hundred yards, feel like I can't go any further...

I shop with my elderly Mum on a Saturday so because I'm going so slowly, I'm usually okay then.

03-02-17, 17:18
I get minor chest pains sometimes too. Mine seem to be more at rest then when doing something. And I walked up a lot of stairs this past week.