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View Full Version : Fat Girl Needs Exercise

26-01-17, 20:05
I'm a big girl size 22 and 18 stone I suffer from anxiety and health anxiety.
I now I need to lose weight and I'm a smart girl I know what I should and shouldn't eat and I understand the need for exercise.
The problem is I have no will power I'm weak! I also panic nd go into meltdown as soon as my heart starts to race or I get to hot.
I have this overwhelming fear of heart failure because I'm so fat and scared I'm going to die.
I hate healthy food can't stand salads or veg
Has anyone felt like this and how did they overcome it?

26-01-17, 20:08
How about Slimming World? Not my ideal diet but does the job. You are supposed to eat plenty of veg, but you could still lose weight with meanes such as jacket potato and beans, homemade (to their recipe) chilli and rice or spaghetti bolognaise. You can also have 200 cals a day of anything you want so could still have a bag of crisps or a choccy bar.

---------- Post added at 20:08 ---------- Previous post was at 20:08 ----------

Sorry *meals not meanes

26-01-17, 20:20
Yes I did think about slimming world buy as I suffer from anxiety I get all eaten up at the thought of weighing in and sitting in a room full of people.
Again I think the exercise and the dred I feel when I think of doing it scares me the most but I think it's the only way

26-01-17, 20:25
Healthy food is often seen as boring, but with some imagination you can make some pretty tasty meals. I don't believe that you don't like anything that is healthy.

Walking is a great fat burner. It's a long process, but walking more is a great start. The ballpark figure of around 10000 steps a day is a good goal. So try get to that (it's about 5miles).

26-01-17, 20:33
The hardest thing is to get motivated. I think once you do and begin to see and more importantly feel the results yhe more and more motivated you will become. You could start just by cutting back on carbs. Instead of a coke have a diet coke - 200 calories of crap vs. 0 calories. You can eat all the meat fish poultry ham pork you want - 0 carbs in all of that. Remember fat doesn't actually make one fat. Carbs do. So cut back on carbs and yhr carbs you do eat make dure they're healthy carbs. and as you said you are smart so you know that exercise will help you feel better look better sleep better. both physically and emotionally exercise is great for you.

Now go out and have a hamburger...without the bun:).


26-01-17, 20:53
You don't need to attend the meetings to do the diet once you get your head around which foods you can eat. (I've never went to a session but borrowed a book from somebody and know which foods can be eaten in 'unlimited' amounts).
I know you don't like veg, but as long as you don't add any extra ingredients such as butter or oil, you can have unlimited potato, rice and pasta, most meat as long as all visible fat is removed, tinned beans, pulses etc, all spices are 'free' I believe and most fresh fruit is also 'free'. It really works too. I haven't done it for a while as I'm not too bothered about my weight anymore but I'm 9 stone 5 and got down to 8 stone 13 doing Slimming World for 4 weeks, plus I had more milk than you were supposed to and the odd cheat meal. I do believe I have a fast metabolism (I eat around 3000 cals a day and remain 9 stone 5), but know somebody who gains weight just looking at cake and they lost a lot of weight whilst also having the odd cheat meal.

26-01-17, 21:06
Actually you can have all the butter you want. Potatoes are loaded with carbs. Carbs are what get stored as fat. Bacon cheese meat fish hotdogs eggs. None of this will put any weight on you. Some would argue that it may increase cholesterol. That's debatable. Excessive carbs are what make people fat - breads and baked goods are the worst. But we do need some carbs. That's where much of our energy comes from. Learn about carbs and how to cut yours in half and I guaranty your weight will come down. And that's without exercising. Start to exercise and it will fly off you. Get your carbs from fruits and vegetables. Just not to many 100 a day and ser how that goes.

26-01-17, 21:17
Thank's for your reponses just need my head in gear x

26-01-17, 21:19
Actually you can have all the butter you want. Potatoes are loaded with carbs. Carbs are what get stored as fat. Bacon cheese meat fish hotdogs eggs. None of this will put any weight on you. Some would argue that it may increase cholesterol. That's debatable. Excessive carbs are what make people fat - breads and baked goods are the worst. But we do need some carbs. That's where much of our energy comes from. Learn about carbs and how to cut yours in half and I guaranty your weight will come down. And that's without exercising. Start to exercise and it will fly off you. Get your carbs from fruits and vegetables. Just not to many 100 a day and ser how that goes.

I'm talking about with the Slimming World diet, not low carb.

26-01-17, 21:57
Oh! Ok Keekee. Two different methods.

26-01-17, 22:32
Oh! Ok Keekee. Two different methods.

Yep, quite different it would seem too. I wonder if they produce the same results, I've never tried low carb myself.

26-01-17, 23:46
Low carb works unbelievable Keekee. I lost 30lbs in about a month. But I went too low and hit a wall on the energy loss. But there's a happy medium there that works great. Just not as fast.
