View Full Version : New health anxiety

26-01-17, 21:08
Hi everyone I'm totally new to this site but I'm hoping u can offer me some support. 3 weeks this Saturday I noticed a red sore patch on my left breast I immediately started to feel anxious and panic that it was cancer. As it was a Saturday I had to wait until Monday to see my doctor. All Saturday and Sunday I hardly ate or slept and couldn't function properly. I googled it and u can imagine the answers I got... breast cancer! So by Monday the redness and soreness was gone but I went to my doctor anyway who said she couldn't see or feel anything and my breasts look normal and healthy but as I was so anxious she referred me to breast clinic (app is Monday 30th Jan). Since then my mind has been in overdrive. I have convinced myself i have breast cancer then lymphoma, then I was having a heart attack now the latest is bone cancer as I've pain on both sides of my ribs (this could be due to carrying my 6 month old son) but I keep thinking what if. I also cannot eat with worry and have lost weight and keep getting chest pains and shortness of breath which I'm assuming is probably due to my high anxiety levels? I keep worrying I'm going to die from cancer and leave my little son. I'm trying not to google as it doesn't offer any reassurance and my fiancé just doesn't understand. He thinks I should just shake it off. I'm finding it hard to get through everyday and dread the morning as I know I have to face this anxiety again. It's snowballed so quickly and came out of nowhere! Please can anyone offer me some advise?

26-01-17, 21:17
I think when you've just had a baby (or even 6 months afterwards!) you realise just how precious life is...and you start to panic more about life, not seeing your children growing up etc. I think it's normal to get rib pains as they are still going back to where they were before...not sure how long it takes exactly, but they move a hell of a lot when you're pregnant and aren't as strong for a while. Also your panicking and stuff could be causing the chest pains and shortness of breath.. do you feel like you're tensing up when you get the pains? The red patch on your breast could be from anything...bra rubbing at an awkward angle, baby lying across you and making your skin hotter than normal...a bit of dry skin maybe from not moisturising and it being quite cold at the moment :) I'm sure if the rash went away so quickly it's fine, but you're doing the right thing getting checked out to put your mind at rest anyway!

If it's of any reassurance I started to feel more anxious after I had my son too. I'd never had anyone depend on me like that before and I was in this bubble of love for him... I always worried that something would happen to me and I wouldn't be with him..

26-01-17, 21:24

Hi Lisa and welcome along.

Firstly please NEVER google any health issues because it will always come up with the worse case scenario and it won't be the case. Health anxiety feeds itself without adding Dr Google into the equation.

Secondly, I think your GP is sending you to the breast clinic only because they know how worried you are and how some reassurance will help you, not because they think there is anything sinister going on.

I'm not surprised you have some aches and pains, you're carrying a six month old baby about. Also, you only gave birth six months ago and it takes quite some time for your body to re-adjust. Pregnancy and labour is no walk in the park and your emotions will be all over the place. God do I remember that stage. lol

I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry because I don't think you have anything to worry about.


P.s I'm Lisa too. :) xx

27-01-17, 07:19
Thanks you too yes I do feel I'm tensing up would anxiety cause shortness of breath and chest pains? I feel my neck and back just so tight and achy. I had a nice bath last night and tried to relax but it didn't really help. I'm glad it's Friday as my fiancé is half day and off all weekend and going with me on Monday. I was never like this before I had my son. I didn't really give my health a second thought. My doctor did emphasis that she was only sending me because I was worried she said she doesn't feel anything or see a problem. She did say it might of been a bit of dry skin but I don't think it looked like that. My mum suffers terribly from anxiety and has done for years and I always hoped I would be able to fight it as it cripples her some days but it's very difficult. I'm back to work in march so hoping being out of the house talking to other adults will help me aswell. I'm 28 and since 16 I have never not worked and I've really enjoyed my maternity leave until now but since this has hit me out of the blue I just hate being at home all day not because of my son but because I have time to think and think and think! I have a smear test today so hopefully I can get another chat with my gp which might help me a bit more xx

27-01-17, 09:57
I would say anxiety or stress can cause shortness of breath yes. I sometimes get 'knackered' putting a pair of jeans on and can no longer hold a conversation when walking uphill, a route I take every single weekday. Not nice of course, but not necessarily something to worry about

27-01-17, 13:39
Is there any chance you could have a touch of Post natal depression?. Definitely have another chat with your GP and health visitor. It's so helpful to have that support when you suffer from anxiety.
