View Full Version : Hi! suffering from anxiety

26-01-17, 22:31
Hi, I've been having anxiety since beginning of Jan, previously I'd only experienced a handful of panic attacks which I managed to control and only a couple of short 3-4 days anxiety so hadn't been to see a doctor before. This is the longest its lasted and to make things worse I'm currently abroad travelling (supposed to be away 6 weeks). I tried to cope with anxiety using natural methods first- breathing exercising,camomile tea, lavendar oil and music but I found that at night, as I'm travelling alone I find it too difficult to not worry that an attack will occur, so of course it does, also at night I'm very aware of my own heart beat which brings on an attack. Eventually I went to see a doctor in Asia where I'm travelling and was prescribed low dose medication ( don't want to name which one) although its helping I'm not keen on being on medication and think it is best to return home to see my own GP for a proper diagnosis. Just came across this forum and is a great help to see a community, helps and tips and without sounding corny that I'm not alone and not going cometlety crazy.

26-01-17, 22:37
Hiya AMoreau and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

26-01-17, 23:22
Thanks will do. I'm hoping to try some natural cures to get of the meds I was prescribed so I can carry on my travels. Even just looking through this site is a help and a good distraction from any anxious thoughts so trying to keep positive as always.