View Full Version : Dealing with children when depressed and anxious

16-04-07, 08:09

Does anyone have any tips on how I can cope with my nine year old son while I'm going through a bad patch? He went back to school this morning and didn't want to go and leave me...I feel awful that I can't just pull myself together and be a 'normal' mammy.

Me and my hubby have talked to him about my anxiety and depression and he has been involved with CPN visits etc. I thought it was better to explain things to him rather than keep them from him - I think it was the right thing to do but I just love him so much and want to get better.

Thanks for letting me ramble.

Love, Nicola xxx

16-04-07, 12:17
I think you are doing well as you are. I have a daughter who is almost 9. i have tried hiding it from her, not very successfully. She knows that something is wrong but my inability to share it with her leaves her frustrated and unable to understand whty I find some things difficult.
before the easter break, she said to me one day 'I want to come home and find you happy' that pained my heart.
What is normal? give me a day in a life of a 'normal' person and then I might know how to live it. I understand what you mean though but try to remember that your 'normal' is not necessarily the same as someone elses.
Normal for me is probably being a crabbit torn faced mum, or it certainly had become that before I sought help.
my normal, is a balance that I am still trying to find.
go easy on yourself, love yourself and remember, depression is an illness that you can and will recover from. Your son is loved and cared for. there is no right or wrong, there is just what feels right for you.

16-04-07, 13:59

from what you have sead you seem to be doing so well to involve him and to have him understand what you are going through
dose he do things out of school like swiming footy ect mabe that would be good for him .
i to find it hard my little girl is 5 but she has an idea things arent allways ok with me , they do pick up on it dont they but you know how you sead you wanted to be a "normal mummy" well just think what some kids go through in there life times some of the nasty things people do to there kids we dont do that i know from what you have sead you are a fab mum and he is very lucky to have you as a mum and hey he will be a a very understanding lad for seeing this and dealing with it i think .
keep your chin up


16-04-07, 15:39
Thanks everyone.

Well, school must be okay as I haven't had any phone calls.......going to pick him up now - fingers crossed!

Nicola x

16-04-07, 17:53
hi nicola,,
i know how u feel as im a single mum to two great kids , both know about my illness and like u when my cpn nurse comes round they have been here and they both know im ill and that i am trying 2 get better ,,, but i feel like im letting them down cos i cant take them out and do things with them , it really makes me feel like a bad mum. But both know that i love them very much. if u want a chat pm anytime i really dont mind at all ..
love sandyxxx