View Full Version : Pink bridge of nose/flushing

27-01-17, 11:08
This isn't necessarily something new, but I've noticed it's particularly flared at the moment. The top of my nose, like the bridge, is a pinky colour. And some nights after dinner or a glass of wine my cheeks go all flushed and pinky too. I've read up about it and it's apparently quite common and might be roseacea.
I'm just wondering if anyone else gets this? I'm thinking it might be the freezing cold weather we have at the minute, and I've been out jogging in it. Apparently that's a trigger along with spicy foods and alcohol etc. I haven't drank a lot at all this week, I had one wine before my dinner last night and I was all rosy! But I had been exercising at the gym then ran home in the cold weather.
I'm worried about my blood pressure currently so freaked out that might be a symptom, but I can't actually find anything supporting that at all. Not that I'm looking for it, was just checking it wasn't! Any advice?

28-01-17, 15:42
Does anyone else get this? I'm worried about high blood pressure. My friend is a nurse and says facial flushing from high BP isn't cheek or nose it's like a fully red face and chest? Which I don't have, I just don't know why my nose/cheeks are sometimes pinky

28-01-17, 15:58
C'mon LF... I understand that certain things can make someone with HA worry but this? So your face gets a little flushed after a drink or being out in the cold? So what? Totally normal... Totally N.O.R.M.A.L. The reason you can't find anything to support your fear is because there is nothing to support your fear ;)

Positive thoughts

28-01-17, 16:19
I know it sounds ridiculous. But I'm just worried after the high blood pressure reading the other day, even though I know I was highly anxious at the time.
I have found pages saying red faces can indicate high blood pressure and liver problems though :( but it says red face not cheeks / nose. I'm trying not to worry but I'm struggling

28-01-17, 16:29
If you know it sounds ridiculous, then smack that thought upside the head! Tell it to STFU ya hear?! You know why your BP was up and you know you don't have an issue with BP. C'mon... you got this. Don't allow it to ruin your day!

Positive thoughts

28-01-17, 16:37
Thank you Fishman. Yes, STFU is exactly what needs to be happening to my thoughts! And I am going to try and action that right now.
Thank you as always x

28-01-17, 17:25
This isn't necessarily something new, but I've noticed it's particularly flared at the moment. The top of my nose, like the bridge, is a pinky colour. And some nights after dinner or a glass of wine my cheeks go all flushed and pinky too. I've read up about it and it's apparently quite common and might be roseacea.
I'm just wondering if anyone else gets this? I'm thinking it might be the freezing cold weather we have at the minute, and I've been out jogging in it. Apparently that's a trigger along with spicy foods and alcohol etc. I haven't drank a lot at all this week, I had one wine before my dinner last night and I was all rosy! But I had been exercising at the gym then ran home in the cold weather.
I'm worried about my blood pressure currently so freaked out that might be a symptom, but I can't actually find anything supporting that at all. Not that I'm looking for it, was just checking it wasn't! Any advice?

It is normal to get facial flushing from alcohol It dilates the blood vessels or something. It is also normal to become flushed when your blood pressure is elevated.
And yes, cold weather can make your face red and chapped. My little boy gets all rosy-cheeked and red-nosed whenever he plays outside in winter.
You could get your blood pressure checked, but since both alcohol and cold weather also cause facial redness, I would not jump to the conclusion that something is wrong.
Best wishes.

28-01-17, 18:21
I do get my BP taken every few months for my pill and it's always been normal. But my HA has reared it's ugly head in the past few months and I suddenly got all stressed when she got the machine out, which I think caused my high reading. She also said it was gradually dropping. The pink nose thing definitely seems to have happened since this freezing weather. I am thinking it's from being out in the cold and the heating being constantly on at home. I think I'm flushed from general hotness and being out in the cold. It then seems to get exasperated if I have spicy food / wine. I'm going to my GP on Thurs anyway to get her to check my BP, but I think it'll sky rocket again cos I'll be nervous, so I'm not sure how this is gonna work. She knows my history though so hoping she can calm me down, or just give me the pill for a few months and retest. My friend had the same issue, months of high BP pressure readings so they would only give her a couple of months worth of the pill at a time. Eventually they did a manual BP for her, and she thinks it was the noises and beeping of the auto one making her nervous.
Is facial flushing with high BP not a full face redness? It seems to be from what I've read, not just pinky cheeks. The pictures are people with bright pink/red faces.

---------- Post added at 18:21 ---------- Previous post was at 18:10 ----------

Sorry just realised the background to this worry is not in this thread. I got worried about my BP after being at the clinic to get my pill renewal. I got in such a state of panic that my BP reading was high and she wouldn't give me the pill. She said it was coming down but still not enough for her to give me it. She was happy to keep taking it whilst I calmed down but felt id taken so much of her time that I just left.
I am also pretty sure I've always been prone to pinky cheeks, my boyfriend says so. And like I say my BP is always normal. So I dunno. I do seem to have a knack for linking symptoms and coming up with all sorts!