View Full Version : Noticing my heart beat and it's frustrating.

27-01-17, 13:09
My girlfriend is a former nurse and she checked my blood pressure and it's fine, and she checked my heart rate bpm and it's fine. But yet, I still notice something 'off' about my heart beat.

Some backstory.

I have a history of adderall usage treating ADD/depression. Generally not long term usage, and dosing is pretty small. I had some (small 5 mg doses) stashed from months back that I have taken up using recently on occasion to help get me through some activities.

I'm also a heavy duty coffee drinker. Strong espresso almost every day. I have fatigue issues that I'm always trying to combat.

I take magnesium oxide tablets and zinc tablets to combat excessive canker sores.

In 2008 I was told after an EKG that I have an irregular heart beat, but that it's not dangerous.

The past 2 months I've dropped my calorie intake by probably 600 per day and I haven't been reaching the normal 2,000 a day as 'recommended'. I was just trying to get myself on a diet. My girlfriend thinks my heart beat and sleep problems could be caused by my metabolism.

So I'm noticing my heart beat a lot more recently. I don't know if it's psychological, or if there is something truly physical going on with me. I suppose nothing here would be definitive, but all of these things linger in my head and make me think I could be having some health problems. I'm amped and anxious at night and I take a ton of valerian root to try to fall asleep and it doesn't always work.

Anyone else focus on their heart beat too much even though it's probably nothing? Does it keep you up at night?

I'm trying to avoid seeing a doctor about this because I'm near certain that I'll be treated as a nuisance. I'm looked at as a hypochondriac by my doctor. The bad thing about that is that when a real problem may go down with me, I'll be the boy who cried wolf. Also I just don't really have the money currently.

27-01-17, 13:23
Go to your Doctor anyway, and present them with all of the facts you list here.

For me...

My girlfriend thinks my heart beat and sleep problems could be caused by my metabolism.

Well, you don't know for sure you have heart problems, so i'd stop calling them that.

Sleep problems...

I have a history of adderall

I'm also a heavy duty coffee drinker. Strong espresso almost every day.

Caffeine absolutely accelerates whatever mood I am in. If im anxious, it'll make it worse, and I will sleep like shit.

Your heart is probably just beating harder because of all the shit you are putting into your system.

But seriously, see a Docotor. I bet if you explained everything you list here, they'd give you some great advice.

02-02-17, 21:23
Would just like to reassure you that I am exactly the same. I feel my heartbeat literally everywhere. In my neck and head, through my back, even in my fingers. It freaks me out a lot, and I notice it comes in periods, so I will go weeks/ months without noticing it or caring, then weeks and months freaking out.

I have mentioned it literally everytime I go to the doctors, and she says it is nothing to worry about. Apparently health anxiety leaves you in a constant 'elavated state of panic' which means you notice tiny things in your body which are otherwise normal.

Get it checked out if it is a serious concern, but sounds like what I have!