View Full Version : Anxiety Zone refuge

27-01-17, 16:32
Hey! I am a refugee from the anxiety zone website- I didn't realize the site had been taken down until a few weeks ago.... I am doin terrible with my health anxiety- I ended up going to the ER last week because of chest pain- they ran all kinds of tests and did a chest X-ray and everything came back normal. You would think I would feel relief however I do not. I am upset that I cannot physically see all the tests results- one thing that I am worried about is my CBC- because I now have moved on from cardiac worries to cancer. And I just want to know would they have told me if my blood work was abnormal? Uh I hate this- I know this is all anxiety related and I need to break this cycle. I am a 32 year old mother to 2 children and I am just can't seem to find any peace with my health and it's really making me upset......I guess I just want to know if something was off would they have told me?

27-01-17, 16:35
I just want to know if something was off would they have told me?

Logically, I believe you know the answer to this. Finding things that are wrong and fixing them is their job ;) Nothing to fix = nothing to address.

Positive thoughts

27-01-17, 16:36
Welcome! There's another thread here with a bunch off AZ'ers chiming in.


27-01-17, 16:37
Well, let me ask you this - why would they keep it from you?

Doctors may be human, but they don't sugarcoat or conceal things. They don't see cancer and think "oh god, how awful, maybe I won't tell her." It's a job at the end of the day. Part of that job is giving a patient the results of tests, whether it's good or bad news.

So to answer your question, if anything bad showed up, you'd know.

27-01-17, 16:44
Thank you for the fast replies- I know logically that they would have told me if something was off- why does my brain think this way? It is very frustrating- I feel like I am constantly fighting myself and it's exhausting

27-01-17, 16:52
It's exhausting precisely because you're fighting so much. Fighting is painful and draining, and it never made an anxiety sufferer better.

As for why you think that way, it doesn't need an answer any more complicated than "because you have anxiety". Address that issue, work on that issue, and you can gradually begin to become less of a victim of your mind's irrational machinations.

27-01-17, 16:59
Im a refugee from AZ as well I Think youll like it here same as I do.

27-01-17, 21:37
AZ former members we are using anxiety space now. I am sure most will know my name.

28-01-17, 01:13
Doctors may be human, but they don't sugarcoat or conceal things. They don't see cancer and think "oh god, how awful, maybe I won't tell her." It's a job at the end of the day. Part of that job is giving a patient the results of tests, whether it's good or bad news.

This is a great post servererror. It point out the ridiculousness of it all. It helped me to overcome my HA when I started realising how ridiculous I was being.