View Full Version : Update, lymphoma and breast cancer scare

27-01-17, 22:32
Just to update, I had a swollen lymph node in armpit in Dec, after a few days it went away. Then last night I felt pain in my under armpit, felt and the lymph node is swollen again and quite tender. I'm very concerned with lymphoma and breast cancer. Has anyone heard of this being a sign of breast cancer?
I did make a dr appt for Monday morning. I am worried sick and haven't eaten all day.

27-01-17, 22:37
Well, you'll know more after seeing a doctor, but to the best of my knowledge, lymph nodes that are enlarged due to cancer do not come and go. They stay swollen, and they grow bigger.
It sounds like you have a reactive node that is reacting again to some sort of infection somewhere in your body.
Best wishes.

27-01-17, 22:40
It's also interesting that both times that I have had the swollen nodes are the same time near my menstrual cycle.

27-01-17, 23:46
glasspinata, is spot on. Sounds like benign reactive node.
Cancerous lymph nodes won't raise then retract, they'd just grow . Rapidly.

28-01-17, 02:36
I hope so! I will update everyone after seeing the dr on Monday.

28-01-17, 21:26
So today the swollen lymph node is not as close to the skin and much less tender. Still there and still tender, but not as bad as yesterday. Even if it's much better by Monday, I'm still going to the dr to ask why this is happening all of a sudden, two months in a row and a few days before my period starts.

28-01-17, 22:51
The fact that it's gone down a bit is very positive.
Something sinister wouldn't do that.

29-01-17, 03:47
It's definitely gone down and isn't as tender. Do you think it's still worth me going to the dr Monday? I just hate to go for her to say "I don't know why this is happening".

29-01-17, 13:40
Well, you already have the appointment, and a doctors word Holds much more weight than mine,
Might as well go and see if there's an explanation.
Really .You'll be fine

29-01-17, 14:06
You are right, I will keep the appt.

29-01-17, 19:47
Hopefully that if it was anything serious the lump would of kept growing or atleast stay the same.

29-01-17, 21:24
It would keep growing.
Doctor will put your mind at rest tomorrow. Try to relax

29-01-17, 22:09
Got my "Told ya so" all ready ;)

Positive thoughts

29-01-17, 23:08
Lol! Thanks!

---------- Post added at 23:08 ---------- Previous post was at 22:44 ----------

Thank you all for your support and words of encouragement. I really appreciate it! Every little bit of support helps during these times of Ha and worrying.

30-01-17, 17:14
Just got to the dr office and the dr had to leave early on an emergency. So I rebooked my appt for Wednesday afternoon. Ugh! I really hoped I would get this over with today and be able to sleep tonight. I have no appetite from all this worrying.

30-01-17, 18:57
You're fine.
Will just have to wait a couple of days for the doctor to tell you
The same thing. I know it's hard, but really, you need to try and relax

31-01-17, 00:17
Thank you for all your support!

03-02-17, 22:58
Hi Everyone!
Went to the dr and of course by the time I got there, there was no swollen lymph node, she didn't seem concerned. I knew that would happen, because as soon as my period started the lymph node went down. So she told me if it happens again then to go in right away to have it checked. Ugh!

03-02-17, 23:03
Hi Everyone!
Went to the dr and of course by the time I got there, there was no swollen lymph node, she didn't seem concerned. I knew that would happen, because as soon as my period started the lymph node went down. So she told me if it happens again then to go in right away to have it checked. Ugh!

The fact that it went down proves it's reactive and not sinister. Here's your "Told ya so!" :D

Positive thoughts

04-02-17, 01:47