View Full Version : Popping ears ETD??? very worried

28-01-17, 00:51
I developed otitis externa end of September (I was in France, it was terrifying) and it became chronic and developed contact dermatitis in my ears because of ear drops first ENT insisted I use. So my ears have been debrided (removal of skin adhering to ear canal and/or ear drum using instruments under a microscope, scary as hell) about eight or nine times and I've used a lot of ENT directed treatments. NOW my ears are popping when I swallow: THUNK or TIC TIC TIC. This is beyond awful. ENT so far has not offered diagnostic tools to see what this is and how to fix it. Has anyone ever had ETD? Clunking and clicking and popping ears? I'm hoping this will go away soon as it began about a month ago. :(

28-01-17, 08:28
Yes, I had this last year. One of my ears was completely blocked for a couple of weeks. It felt like I was under water, I had really bad feelings of dissociation with it and it sent my anxiety through the roof! I found that the tension in my neck and jaw, along with post nasal drip, was causing a lot of it. I had my ears syringed. The first time ut didn't work but second time I had great improvement and it gradually went away. It was so horrible, I really feel for you.

29-01-17, 00:15
TY for your comment. I've been seeing a specialist ENT for a while (months). There was a lot of work done on both my ears and there is inflammation of tissue in the jaw that shares cartilage with the ears so I think this clunking comes from my ETs that are most likely irritated also. If this doesn't resolve in a month, I will go to another specialist. TY again.