View Full Version : Scared of Docters???

28-01-17, 02:20
Everyone is scared of something. I used to think spiders, clowns, and bridges were my biggest fears. Well, it seems that throughout the years I've developed a new one. :weep:

I'm someone who gets into a lot of freak accidents. Usually, I end of going to a family doctor to make sure nothing is seriously damaged or injured. As much as I love doctor's assurance, I am terrified of a worst case scenario.

Every time I enter the clinic, my heart starts racing abnormally fast. I know it's natural to anxious but I think I am taking it to a whole new level. I start to tremble like a little kid when they call my name to examine me. When they take my weight and height I am certain they already see something I don't. This kind of unknown is extremely terrifying for me. :wacko:

The worst part is the arm squeezer (excuse my poor terminology :doh:). I usually have to have it done more than once because my blood pressure rises from tensing up. They always tell me to relax but that is not an option.

By the time I get to the actually room for examination, I am sweating like a dog. I usually rip at the paper on the table as I wait for the doctor to enter. When he does, I freeze up. I know this is bad but I try to avoid giving too much details so the doctor doesn't like diagnose me with something scary.

Any ideas on how to calm down??? I need some help. :nonono:

28-01-17, 03:21
You have described my problem to a tee. I have the exact same fear. It is terrible to have this. I am always waiting for the shoe to drop and am terrified that I am going to be told something dire. You are not alone with this fear.

29-01-17, 21:55
Everyone is scared of something. I used to think spiders, clowns, and bridges were my biggest fears. Well, it seems that throughout the years I've developed a new one. :weep:

I'm someone who gets into a lot of freak accidents. Usually, I end of going to a family doctor to make sure nothing is seriously damaged or injured. As much as I love doctor's assurance, I am terrified of a worst case scenario.

Every time I enter the clinic, my heart starts racing abnormally fast. I know it's natural to anxious but I think I am taking it to a whole new level. I start to tremble like a little kid when they call my name to examine me. When they take my weight and height I am certain they already see something I don't. This kind of unknown is extremely terrifying for me. :wacko:

The worst part is the arm squeezer (excuse my poor terminology :doh:). I usually have to have it done more than once because my blood pressure rises from tensing up. They always tell me to relax but that is not an option.

By the time I get to the actually room for examination, I am sweating like a dog. I usually rip at the paper on the table as I wait for the doctor to enter. When he does, I freeze up. I know this is bad but I try to avoid giving too much details so the doctor doesn't like diagnose me with something scary.

Any ideas on how to calm down??? I need some help. :nonono:

This actually is a tricky situation, because I can't suggest that you go to your doctors often to try to overcome the fears, but without that you won't be able to overcome them, because chair-help (when you're not actually facing your fears, but trying to untangle them on paper or talking) can get you only that far.

But with that said, there is an exercise that I would suggest that you try, and if you're okay with that paste it here, I can try to help you out if you want.

The exercise is very simple, it helps you to uncover the deeper fears that are actually in charge of this upper level fears. You just have to peel it like an onion until you get to the centre.

So here it is:

Write down your main fear ->

I'm afraid of doctors, because I think they can see something that I can't.

Then ask yourself a this queston ->

What would happen if they would find something bad?

Then write an answer

That would probably mean that I would be dead in two weeks!

Ask the question again

What would happen if I would be told that I have only 2 weeks to live?

Answer it

My spouse would be devestated and that would be only my fault, also I would never have the time to achieve my dreams.

I think you get the picture.

Try to go as deep as possible with this exercise and when you feel that you've come to the bottom of it then you will know what really troubles you.

The next step is to classify the distorted ideas and thoughts that you've just revealed to yourself and talk back to them.

For example:

That would probably mean that I would be dead in two weeks! -> jumping to conclusions I can never know for sure that I will be diagnosed with a deadly disease. And the best way to avoid this kind of diagnose IS TO GO TO THE DOCTOR REGULARY!

Try to talk back to every thought that you hav eon your paper! This works wonders.

I would suggest, that you do it every time before you go to the doctor, to reassure yourself, that it is not the end of the world.

29-01-17, 23:25
One of the last times I was at the doctor (for a normal sore throat/ sinus congestion thing, which turned out to be a respriatory virus) I actually started crying while he was examining me, because i was so scared.
Needless to say, the doctor was rather unnerved.
I was SO SCARED he was about to diagnose me with something terrible, cancer, something.... or at least set me off on a path toward that diagnosis (as in "There is something odd going on here with your throat; I'm going to refer you to a specialist for more testing...")
I could envision that so clearly in my mind.
Of course, it didn't happen; I don't think that is the usual way that serious illnesses are detected. But you never know, and yes, it IS VERY SCARY going to the doctor, even for a seemingly minor ailment.
Best wishes.

30-01-17, 22:16
I'm the exact same way. I have to take Xanax before a doctor's appointment. I never had to do that before. My anxiety is brutal these days.

31-01-17, 00:40
I take Xanax too! And I ALWAYS think the worst! I was there for my anxiety last month and even then I was so nervous my BP was through the roof!