View Full Version : Food poisoning scare?

28-01-17, 14:34
Hey I'm at a party
And I took a bite out of a chicken nugget and a little was red but tasted okay, will I get food poisoning? Because I'm scared to eat the rest of the food now

28-01-17, 15:55
You can get salmonella from undercooked chicken.
Most chicken nuggets are made of processed, precooked chicken meat that only needs to be heated up. You could eat them frozen, if you wanted, and they wouldn't hurt you.
But if it was "red", then I guess yours was the exception. Perhaps someone made them from scratch.
It's likely nothing will happen. The chances of you getting any sort of foodborne illness is slim, even if you accidentally consumed raw meat.
However, if the undercooked chicken was contaminated with salmonella (and that's a big "if"...), then yes, you could get sick to your stomach and have some diarrhea and vomiting. The incubation period for salmonella, if I recall correctly, is about 24 hours, with a range from 12 hours to two days.
So you'll know within the next couple of days if you're going to get sick or not.
Salmonella poisoning can certainly be miserable, but it's pretty common, and most healthy adults do not suffer any serious or lasting harm. Most do not require hospitalization or even a doctor's visit. It is generally self-limiting, and you'll recover on your own in a few days. You'd only need to seek medical attention if you felt you were becoming dehydrated. There is no specific treatment for it, other than keeping you hydrated and letting it run its course.

But like I said, first the chicken would've had to be not only undercooked but also contaminated with Salmonella, and most chicken is not contaminated with Salmonella.

If you don't have symptoms within two days after consuming the chicken, you should be in the clear.

Best wishes.