View Full Version : Please can someone give advice on my current situation?

28-01-17, 17:26
Hey Guys,

I'm in a pediment with life at the moment, and i'm in real need of someone who understands to give me their opinion or share their own experience with me because I think it could really hope. I'm 25 years old, 26 this year, and I feel like my life is slipping away. I feel like I should be properly moved out by now, and that i'm holding me and my partner back from living our lives.

So since Uni (I officially finished in 2015, but to be honest the last year I never went due to my anxiety, so I finished with a HND instead of a full degree), I have been in that dreaded job search part of life. Unfortunately I haven't had much luck, which is mainly due to myself.

See, i've had part time retail jobs in the past, but never been able to hold them down, due to the fact that being in an environment like that, i just can't cope with due to the social anxiety part of me. So i've always quit after a few months, because it's too much for me to handle.

So since I am aware of this, I have been looking for office jobs. I've never had an office job before, but I figured if i get a job where i'm left to myself to do my daily tasks, this might be a little more comfortable for me. I've had a few interviews since I left Uni, but due to not having enough experience never got the job. I've also turned down interviews, because of my anxiety.

I don't really do much every day, so it is a bit depressing and tiring. I've even tired to set up making things and selling them as i am a creative person, and i wanted to try make my own income, but this isn't really getting anywhere.

I'd really like to know how others for suffer similarly to me cope on their day to day basis, what do you for a living? What other kind of jobs should I apply for? I don't really know where to look, i need a point in the right direction?

Another thing is Job Seekers. I'm in an overdraft still from Uni, I need to start paying off some before August or i'll be in trouble with my bank. I would apply for job seekers as i could do with some money (it's very stressful being skint all the time, as i'm sure you will know), but my problem results again back to worrying about going on it.. I'm worried they force me into uncomfortable situations... like applying for jobs I feel I can't do, or going to their clubs, or going to placement work etc.. Whats peoples experience with that?

Right now it's very difficult to do most things. And it doesn't help with added money stress, or even the thought of working gets me worked up.

Please help :( xx

Thank you so much in advance

28-01-17, 19:04
Higher diploma still puts you in an advantageous position when it comes
To employment.
If you're getting bored with the jobs after so many weeks/months you could consider
Doing agency work, which usually only lasts a few weeks at a time. You could sign up with a few agencies so you're not short of options when one contract expires.
There's also government funded programs to help you become self employed, where
You'll be given help putting a business plan together and be given financial support for the
First few months of your business venture.
I think a career advisor could help a lot more than a doctor at the moment

28-01-17, 19:43
I do creative work self-employed. But what really helped me was being in partnership with someone else - it created motivation. We have complementary skills - my business partner does the tasks I find most difficult.

19-02-17, 20:59
Hi Aspire,

I'm the same age as you and was in a similar situation after I left high school, in that I needed a job but was struggling to manage my anxiety. Eventually I enrolled at a university and am now in postgraduate education (delaying the return to unemployment hahaha). I wanted to share my experience of Jobseekers, though I'm sure the process has changed in the last few years.

So I didn't enjoy Jobseekers - they didn't really seem interested in my problems with anxiety, even though that was the #1 thing preventing me from finding work. However, I didn't have to do all that much besides signing on every week/fortnight. It's not fun, but the worst they can do is cut your income support and if you have a partner/parents to look out for you this isn't the worst thing in the world.

Doing some voluntary work could help you to find a job that you're comfortable with, and it might make the Jobseekers experience a bit more bearable. Most importantly, it might help you to become more confident.

Best of luck with this, I feel for you!