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28-01-17, 20:06
I think I have GAD but i cant be sure...

Basically i worry an awful lot about what people think about me and if they are judging me. I fear new places and new situations that I haven't been in before. I also suffer with nerves really badly, where my hands shake for ages and I cant talk to anyone, and in situations where I cant leave, I end up going really quiet. this affects my everyday life. i want to get some advice before i maybe go to my GP and talk about this with them because i want to be sure. Does anyone think this may be GAD or am I just being pathetic?

Clydesdale Epona
28-01-17, 20:15
As with any mental issues it can hard to tell exactly,
but it sounds like you could have GAD, social anxiety, or even both. i was in the exact same position as you which caused me to linger for a while thinking i was just being silly, going to the doctors was the best thing i'd done i'm not 100% better but i'm making progress and my only regret would be that i didn't seek help earlier on, you are certainly not being pathetic and we all have anxiety at some point in our lives but if we leave it, it can ultimately get worse. i'd say just visit your GP and go on from there :) x

Panic sufferer
28-01-17, 20:36
you are certainly not "being pathetic" mini. I agree with Aiden: please talk to your GP - they see lots of anxious people every day, they can help diagnose it.

You are not alone. Well done for signing up here as well, it always helps to be with like minded people.

28-01-17, 20:52
I agree with Aiden and Panic Sufferer, dealing with anxiety as early as possible can be helpful, although I believe it takes 15 years for most of us to ask for help? Go to your GP and have a chat.

28-01-17, 22:20
Thank you everyone for your replies so far! I'm just very nervous to go to the doctor incase there isn't anything wrong with me. also at the moment I'm fighting this battle alone because I don't know how to tell my mum I think ive got anxiety- any tips?

Panic sufferer
28-01-17, 23:20
I know it's easy for me to say as my Mum was and is supportive for me, but it will feel much easier to cope with, with an ally.

There's a book which helped me explain panic attacks, and the terror they bring in you to my Dad, "Understanding Panic Attacks and Conquering Fear" by Dr Roger Baker.

29-01-17, 00:19
Thank you everyone for your replies so far! I'm just very nervous to go to the doctor incase there isn't anything wrong with me. also at the moment I'm fighting this battle alone because I don't know how to tell my mum I think ive got anxiety- any tips?

DO NOT leave your Mum out of this!!!! PLEASE!!!!! She will help you, she loves you! Don't suffer alone, she's there for you, go tell her now!

01-02-17, 13:41
Well you must have confidence in you and stop caring what others think about you .Trust me people are concerened on theyr person and dont care so much about others .