View Full Version : Damned Mornings

up a ladder
28-01-17, 20:54
Any one got any tips for the mornings?
The difference between me at night and the mornings is amazing. Nearly every night I feel fine with relatively low levels of anxiety. Within 30 seconds of waking, my legs are pumping and I feel really anxious about what I dont know. Everything seems too much. Making a cup of tea, eating or anything. What's worse is tend to want to "wollow" and either stay in bed curled up or on the floor with my two dogs. My wife who is fantastic knows the score and tries to get me up and moving.
What do you guys do to get in to your day?

28-01-17, 21:06
I'm exactly the same. I suffer terrible anxiety first thing in the morning and it eases as the day goes on.

I'm currently off sick from work but i have to get up and get my 2 young children ready for school and then walk them to school. I really find it hard to get going but it does me good and by the time I'm back from the school run I feel a little calmer.

Days that the anxiety is really bad I do some mindfulness exercises or some deep breathing in bed before I get up. On really really bad days I take 2mg diazepam but try to only do that when I'm desperate.

I can't eat on the mornings either so I taken to having half a sachet of complan so I have something in my tummy to stop the churning and gurgling.

up a ladder
28-01-17, 21:26
Thanks Cherry appreciate your stratergy. I have never tried the Mindfulness before but will give it a go.
As for eating, I really can't face any food before midday.

28-01-17, 21:39
Yes I struggle with eating too. Usually by the evening I can eat a fairly decent meal but breakfast and lunch are hard work.

However, I ended up at A&E just before Xmas with gastritis which the dr thought was brought on by my anxiety and not eating. It was not nice so I'm very keen to not get that again!! So that's why I started with the complan. I don't enjoy it but I force it down and it actually helps settle my gurgling tummy in the mornings.

Definitely give mindfulness a go. It's very helpful.

28-01-17, 23:01
I find a quick 15 min yoga or progressive muscle relaxation helps a lot. As does having a morning routine that I force myself to stick to. I too would prefer to hide under the covers until lunchtime but I find that keeping myself busy helps a lot. I get up, have a light, healthy breakfast, do 15 mins gentle yoga, read the news then take the dog for a long walk. Then I come home, shower and by that time I usually feel much better.

Maybe have a think about what might work for you. Its awful waking up anxious and not knowing what to do with yourself x

29-01-17, 15:47
mornings are tough my anxiety kicks in about 5am it wakes me in the night aswell so i get up make coffee then about 8am i take my labrador for a nice walk for an hour

Panic sufferer
29-01-17, 15:55
Hi upaladder, I find mindfulness meditations help. Also, I don't know it you've read any of Dr Claire Weekes' books like "Self help for your nerves", but she recommends to get going in the mornings as quick as possible, to avoid a feeling of "I'm better off staying in bed" setting in.

Easier said than done I know, there are days when I find it hard to face even getting in the shower.

up a ladder
29-01-17, 16:06
Thanks all. I agree the "get up streight away" system is best, but it can be so bloody hard. I will try some mindfulness training.

01-02-17, 14:11
Well these tehniques helped me lot .Before sleep i please my sobconstient to help me with anxiety in the morning and i vizualize that i wake up healthy energetic and happy .Dont make the mistake to give up on this tehnique if you dont see results as subconstient its very powerful and it will help you if you are constant

01-02-17, 15:16
Any one got any tips for the mornings?
The difference between me at night and the mornings is amazing. Nearly every night I feel fine with relatively low levels of anxiety. Within 30 seconds of waking, my legs are pumping and I feel really anxious about what I dont know. Everything seems too much. Making a cup of tea, eating or anything. What's worse is tend to want to "wollow" and either stay in bed curled up or on the floor with my two dogs. My wife who is fantastic knows the score and tries to get me up and moving.
What do you guys do to get in to your day?

Cortisol levels are at their highest in the morning and that's why many anxiety sufferers struggle at that time..

Staying in bed will only make you feel worse. Far better to get up and do something. Go for a walk and burn some of those stress hormones off.

I get up, drink something herbal and distract myself from feeling shite.:yesyes:

02-02-17, 15:52
I too feel horribly anxious and i'm worse when I get to work. Evenings are so much better. I almost feel normal(not quite, but almost). Then it's back to square one in the morning.