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View Full Version : Blaming everything on Anxiety and unable to stop

28-01-17, 22:18
For some reason I find that deep down I don't want to get over my anxiety because it's something that is easy to blame for health problems. I am afraid that if I somehow manage to get over health anxiety, then I will no longer be able to blame any health symptoms on anxiety. Now, with anxiety, I can blame all my headaches, stomach problems, irritability on anxiety. If I get over it, then I can no longer blame benign anxiety for it but rather will be subject to possibilities of more serious issues. I am stuck in this loop of becoming close to getting over my problem, but then I find my self relapsing quickly due to these fears. I am afraid that I am getting somehow addicted to anxiety? Is this possible? Any advice? Please help! I am worried that I will never be able to lead a proper life again!

28-01-17, 22:51
What you say makes a lot of sense. In many ways it's similar to a person who stays in an abusive relationship. It's become part of what you know, who you are and what has become comfortable for you.

Change is difficult but in order to change, one must step out of their comfort zone even if the comfort zone isn't all that comfortable. Ultimately, it comes down to you taking those steps.

Positive thoughts

28-01-17, 23:21
Thank you for the wonderful reply! And yes, because I have had anxiety for so long I get frightened that if I do get over it, I will somehow lose my identity or change. It's so much easier to be anxious all the time even if I despise the feeling immensely. I never realized that this had become my "comfort zone" until you mentioned it.
Thanks again!