View Full Version : Heart Palpation Anxiety.

29-01-17, 03:20
So I was just sitting in my chair and all of a sudden I started to get some heart palpation's and I just told myself ya know this happens, it's nothing to fear but then I just got extremely anxious. I started to panic and I started freaking out a bit thinking of how I'm going to have a heart attack. I read that after you eats a high amount of carbs you can get heart palpations. I just ate pasta about 2 hours ago, not sure if it has to do with it but I'm just sitting here feeling my heart in my throat and I'm freaking out. My heart rate is at 97bpm which is extremely high. I hate working myself up but I can't help it. I'm pretty sure I'm dying.

29-01-17, 03:55
I have had similar fears, I went to emergency many times and have had many heart tests done, everything was fine. So when I get worked up like that, I try and do something calming, hot bath, walk outside with fresh air.

29-01-17, 03:57
It worries me because I wasn't anxious before the I felt the palpitations.

29-01-17, 04:40
Sometimes you are tense and anxious and don't realize it. For example, I didn't realize until recently that I clench my teeth a lot, that is anxiety related.

29-01-17, 06:13
I still get palpitations now. And my anxiety is well under control. The physiological responses take a long time to change, and they don't necessarily need you to be in an anxious state in that given moment to flare up. I had a major bout of palpitations last night. No idea why. Seemed unnecessary to me. But I know my heart is fine.

The thing about telling yourself that this is normal and nothing to worry about is that you have to believe it. You have to know it deep down. Don't get me wrong, that belief doesn't happen overnight, but the fact you became anxious shows you don't yet have that belief in the harmlessness of your palpitations. But that's okay - it takes time. Just do your best to learn to trust what you've been told and to tackle your anxiety. You'll be able to get on top of it with time, practice and patience.

29-01-17, 06:30
Having had heart palps for decades I know how frightening they can be. Yes food causes your heart to beat quicker as the stomach tries to digest it. Food higher in fat and/or large meals will make it worse. Getting anxious will then send the rate up quite a bit too. 97bpm in still in the 'normal' range though. You did well to try and not panic although you didn;t quite manage it, keep trying you will do it eventually and talking to yourself like that telling yourself that's it's nothing to worry about is exactly what you should be saying.
