View Full Version : CHESTPAIN

16-04-07, 15:20
Hi everyone
It's me again:weep:
I have been having really bad chest pain lately and I have it now.I am really very scared do you guys think I'm gonna get heart attack.It's really scary.It comes and goes.I get like a sharp pain that feels like it's by my heart but I'm not sure sometimes it feels like muscle tension pain that's exscrutiating I'm just really scared and confused

Please tell me what to do :lac:

16-04-07, 16:02
Hi Cindy

It does sound like muscle tension to me,so i wouldnt worry. I do get this too. I can also get bad heart burn which as the same symptoms.

I would go see your gp and im sure he will put your mind at rest.:)


16-04-07, 16:12
I concur.

Does it hurt when you breathe in? Breathe out? Is it in a particular place you can put your finger on? Can you remember when it started? Is there anything that makes it better/worse?

Try to make a few mental answers to the above questions - and go to your Doctor. They will ask you them!!

I tend to think it's wise to get chest pains checked out. However, far and away the biggest cause of chest pain is 'Chest Wall Pain' exactly as Andrea said. So try not to worry too much.

Hope you feel better soon xxx

17-04-07, 06:39
Hi guys
It was really bad and it did hurt when I breathed in and out.I took two alzymes last night and it went away but it was really bad.I had seen a cardiologist last year for heart palps so they did heart scans and chest x-rays and a whole lot of ecg as well as treadmill test while hooked to some monitor stuff and and ecg while going up and down stairs and it all came back normal.It also pain when i moved my shoulders in and out.Do you guys think it's time for more test now?

Thanks for your replies

17-04-07, 09:16
hi cindy

i hope you are feeling better today.

i allways think if when you went to the docs for your tests and wernt getting the chest pain and it has just started then go let him know it will put your mind at rest.i tell my doc anything new so i dont sit and stress over it .
i do get chest pain but i have been told it is gas and after taking somthing for gas it has got a lot better .
jodie x

17-04-07, 14:30
Hi Cindy

I do know how you are feeling.I have chest pain today and the more anxious i am becomming the worse the pain

Being on the computer now is making it worse because i am hunched over.

I didnt feel anxious this morning when it started so cant understand why i got it.

Big hugs to you

love Mandie x

17-04-07, 14:49
Mandy I diddnt really get it much today.I hope u feel better,How does yours feel if you can describe it to me maybe we can help each other out in the meanwhile

17-04-07, 19:10
Hello Cindy, If you think it will make you feel better to go and have your symptoms checked out by your Doctor by all means go and do it, It should not matter if you had a medical last year or whenever.
I have been back and forth to Doctors with similar symptoms maybe a couple of dozen times in the nigh on thirty years that I have suffered from ectopics and chest pains. The results have always come back the same - that there is nothing wrong with me (apart from anxiety of course).
As anxiety sufferers I think we need that little dose of reassurance from time to time just to make things more bearable, so don't feel bad about going over old ground again with your Physician.
Remember chest pain can be down to a number of causes apart from Heart disease such as Muscle strain, Indigestion, Fatigue or anxiety. I know when you get chest pains accompanied by ectopics you really do start to think the worst - I know I have been there, but its no more than just the anxiety demons working overtime again.
Please try and stay calm, I know it is difficult but I am sure you will be fine. Take care xxxx

17-04-07, 23:03

I have sent you a pm

love mandie x

18-04-07, 06:45
Hi thanks for all the replies:)
Edward thats exactly how I felt thanks

18-04-07, 13:02
hi cindy

how are you feeling now anybetter

jodie x

18-04-07, 13:42
Hi Jodie
I am feeling mush better today and yesterday wasen'y doing that bad the pain drops in now and again.I did notice that i have lots of winds though.Anyway I took another alzyme today and that really helped

Thanks for your concern
It means tramendously to me:hugs: