View Full Version : Long waiting list.

29-01-17, 10:17
Ok so I made a post recently about having a cracked wisdom tooth and bring a little nervous about having it out.

Any way since Tuesday I've had real bad pain with my cracked lowerr wisdom tooth, I went to the dentist on Thursday to have I out, they did an xray to see how the tooth was growing etc, but after the xray they said that they couldn't pull it in the dentist as the root is curved and my nerve is too close to the root, he said that I need to be reffered to the hospital to have it out and the waiting list is 6-8 weeks....... 6-8 week wait!!!!

How is it ok to leave me in this pain for that long??? Since Tuesday I've had about 10 hours sleep.. I'm tired and in pain and it's making me so miserable and unable to do alot of things I could normally do,

He didn't give me a prescription for pain killers only for antibiotics even though there is no infection, I got laughed at for saying I can't swallow tablets and asking for a liquid version and i said I only has ever prescribed non tablet versions to kids and said tablets are easy to swallow and basically making ajoke of it all; ive always had a phobia of swallowing tablets...

Anyway I keep getting all panicky about my tooth, it's starting to hurt my ear and my jaw feels like it's going to snap.

Is there anyone in th3 UK that has any suggestions on how I can get the tooth out asap instead of waiting for the hospital referal???

29-01-17, 10:29
The simple reason you have to wait 6-8 weeks is that that's how long it will take to get to you. It's "okay" to make you wait that long because it's "only" a broken tooth. Not something a hospital would ever prioritise unless there was an indication for a risk of infection or serious injury.

Nevertheless, it might be worth going to your doctor to see if you can be prescribed some painkillers. I don't know much about prescription painkillers as I've never had any, but it's worth asking.

And if you want all this sorted sooner, I hate to say it, but you'll need to pay. I'm not sure of the process with that, but I can't think of any other way to get it seen to sooner.

29-01-17, 10:32
It's £8.40 for a prescription which isn't too bad.

I don't mind paying if it means getting it out sooner, I have to pay every time I go the dentist anyway

29-01-17, 10:47
It's £8.40 for a prescription which isn't too bad.

I don't mind paying if it means getting it out sooner, I have to pay every time I go the dentist anyway

No, I know the price of a prescription. I just meant I've no idea what you might get prescribed, if anything, and whether you could get it in liquid form. One for the doc, that.

As for paying to have the procedure done, it won't be like an NHS dental charge. You'd probably have to pay a private dental surgeon. You'd probably need a consultation first. And I can't imagine any of it being cheap. Not that the NHS is cheap either. It cost me £120 just to have a front tooth capped. Privately, I hate to think what I'd have paid.

But yeah, I don't know the ins and outs of this. All I would say is to make a doctors appointment to discuss managing the pain, and if you don't feel you can wait 6-8 weeks, look into the process of a private procedure.

29-01-17, 12:46
You need an oral surgeon...

Mine would see you immediately, wish you could go to him. Pain and risk of abscess makes this urgent.

6 to 8 weeks is terrible :-(